King's Business - 1940-08

August, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


29. A Solemn Covenant “I honor my Father . . . And I seek not mine own glory’’ (John 8:49, 50). I will placé no value on anything I have or may possess, except in its rela­ tion to the kingdom of Christ. If any­ thing I have will advance the interests of that kingdom, it shall be given up or kept, as by keeping or giving it I shall most promote the glory of Him to whom I owe all my hopes, both of time and eternity. May grace be given me to adhere to this! —David Livingstone. SO. The Thorn “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor. 12:7). My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorn. I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once for my thorn. I have been looking forward to a world where I shall get compensation for my cross, but I have never thought of my cross itself as present glory. Thou Divine Love, whose human path has been perfected through sufferings, teach me . . . the value of my thorn.—George Matheson. 31. A Realm of Riches “Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs -of the kingdom?” (Jas. 2:5). Will not many poor souls down here be surprised, when they come to the glory, to find that they were so rich all the time? “Rich” means having plenty to give: riches of faith, about His holy Word, taking it from the first page to the last, and not leaving any out. There Is a fine realm of riches! —Hubert Brooke.

Not only do we need strength, but we need courage to use that strength. The followers of David, upon returning to Ziklag and finding their homes burned and their families taken captive, were grieved, and they spoke of stoning Da­ vid. We, too, may fmd perils even by our own countrymen and false brethren, but God hath said, “My grace is suffi­ cient.”—C. Conrad. 25. The One Who Died for All “If one died for all, then were all deady (2 Cor. 5:14). “One died for all,” but how differently the One from the all! He bore the pain of death; they bear only the merit of it. He gives infinite worthiness to the act by His divinity; they receive the purchase of the act in their humanity. And yet nothing is deducted from the full assurance that they have died. Such “is the personal initiation into the mys­ tery of sacrifice” which we receive through faith.—A. J. Gordon. A Daily Rule "I will therefore that men pray every­ where” (1 Tim. 2:8). Each day take care to exercise your­ self in prayer, at least up to the point where . . . you have come near enough to be able, through the Lord Jesus Christ, to trust in Him for the day’s life, to be sure that He will keep you, that He will enable you to overcome, that He will save you from the snares that are around you, and will tell you what you are to do.—Robert F. Horton. Growth “Growing up into him in all things” (Eph. 4:15). Once the loved presence o f father or mother kept whole our sense of security; later on, it was enough to be in the near neighborhood of our fellows; still later, wise precaution and timely foresight kept away the feeling of danger. But 1 at last, and by slow, sometimes terrifying advances, we reached the truth and knew that only the everlasting arms could save us from sinking beneath the dark waves of overwhelming woe. —M. G. C. The Intruder “He must increase, but I must de­ crease” (Joljn 3:30). There is a man who often stands Between me and Thy glory. His name is Self—my carnal Self Stands twixt me and Thy glory. O mortify him, mortify him, Put him down, my Saviour, Exalt Thyself alone; Lift high the banner of the cross And ’neath its folds Conceal the standard-bearer. —Selected. 26. 27. 28.

Hotel Willard at left of Bible Institute and next to Los Angeles Public Library park, is operated as a high-class tem­ perance hotel. Next to Church of the Open Door. Surrounded by a Christian environment that assures a safe, com­ fortable, and exclusive place to stop. 13 stories of fireproof construction. BATES

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On the Word of God “ The Precious Blood of Christ,” “ The Good Shepherd,” “ Divine Providence,” “ Creation/ Bach of these tracts has a compelling gospel message, and Is founded on the Bible as the Word of God. Authoritatively written and at­ tractively designed.\these tracts are filled with Scriptural proof of their gospel story. You will be glad to give them to others. Send todav for samples. The Committee on Christian Education of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 4038, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. SEND and SELL Greeting Cards with TRUE T I A N ■ s e n t im e n t s Our Box of 24 DeLuxe Scripture Text Christmas Folders is without doubt the best value on the market. A $1.75 value. Our companion Box of 18 Scripture Text Folders for Birthday, Sick. Sym­ pathy, etc., sells readily at $1.00. All have envel­ opes to match. / s a Sample offer we will send either of the above Assortments for ,65c. Two or more Boxes. 50c each, on first order. Satisfaction guaranteed. We feature 9 other Assortments; also Bibles, Stationery, Wall Plaques, Calendars, etc. Organized groups earn funds. No experience needed. Take orders now! Box 68. Shepherd’s Town Card Co., Shepherdstown, Pa. "TRAINING FOR SERVICE” Florida Bible Institute S tron g F a cu lty — 38 su b je cts S pecial tra in in g fo r th o se w h o w ish to becom e— pastors—missionaries— evangelists— singers — and church. secretaries. Ideal climate and one of nation’s finest school plants. Part time scholarships available to limited number; also opportunity for some to work part time if arrangements are made immedi­ ately. For catalogue and information, write Dr. W. T. Watson, Pres. Tampa, Fla. C HR I S

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