King's Business - 1940-08

August, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Albert F. Nikkei, '38, and Josephine Amend, B. Chr. Ed. ’38, June 21, Shat­ ter, Calif. Jacob J. Regier, Jr., ’40, and Betty Kathryn Kinzie, June 14, Los Angeles, Calif. Thomas H. Richter, ’33, and Dorothy Grace Osterberg, June 27, South Holly­ wood, Calif. Charles L. Shull and Jean Durham, June 21, Tacoma, Wash. \ Born To Harold M. (’29) and Mrs. Coen (Ella Penner, ’29), a daughter, Eileen Louise, April 11, Kano, Nigeria, W. Af­ rica. To Nestor C. and Mrs. Fritsen, a daughter, Janet Louise, July 10; Mon­ terey Park, Calif. To' Harold (’34) and Mrs. Johanson (Ella A. Claassen, *34), a son, Kenneth Harold, June 30, Red Bluff, Calif. To William R. (’33) and Mrs. Jones, a son, William R., Jr., April 21, Blue- fields, Nicaragua, C. A. To Joseph and Mrs. Olson (Jean Car- ruthers, ’36), a son, Charles Frank, July 9, Los Angeles, Calif. With the Lord Mrs. Marie Menhennett, ’22, went to be with her Saviour on June 20 after an illness of many months. C. G. Sals- bury, Superintendent of the Ganado Mission to the Navajo Indians, at Ga­ nado, Ariz., has written to the Institute of Mrs. Menhennett’s triumphant tes­ timony during her illness and of the exceptional fruitfulness of her ministry at Cornfields, Ariz., where for the past several years she has been in charge of the community center under the Board of National Missions of the Pres­ byterian Church in the U. S. A. In all, she was in the Navajo work for about eighteen years.

WHY ATTEND A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE? [Continued from Page 287] the Christian philosophy of self-denial, self-control, self-restraint. Danger of Satanic Philosophy Many of the modem educational lead­ ers have accepted in toto the Satanic philosophy of: “Has God said?” “You don’t need any God,” “Be your own god,” “Live your own life,” “Express yourself.” In other words, the education­ al leadership of this nation is now largely controlled by “ experts” who, in­ stead of teaching the Christian philoso­ phy, teach the Satanic philosophy of life. Parents should not send their children to schools that have accepted the Sa­ tanic leadership which wrecked the gar­ den o f Eden, and then expect their sons and daughters to come home »with faith in the Bible, in the virgin birth, in the deity and atoning blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There are a few schools in America that still believe in the Bible, the “old-time religion,” the faith of our fathers, and the “old-time -decencies” for which our fathers stood. I advise Christian parents to find such schools as these in which to educate their children. It may be necessary for students to “shop around” for certain courses in graduate schools, but these students should first be vaccinated against the Satanic philosophy by doing their under­ graduate work in an institution that stands without apology for the Bible, for the virgin-bom Son of God, for the vicarious, substitutional blood atone­ ment, and for the necessity of the new birth. No undergraduate student, even though he may be bom again, can go through four years of undergraduate work in a Satan-controlled educational institution, and not at least blunt the sharp edge of his Christian experience and testimony. Certainly unconverted young people should attend a college where they will have an opportunity to hear the gospel and have at least a chance to be saved. Even Christian pa­ rents who are foolish enough to think that their sons and daughters may be safe in modernistic institutions have no right to lend their approval to these in­ stitutions by patronizing them. The or­ thodox Christians of this nation should line up solidly behind the colleges that are true to the Word of God. I advise parents to carefully investigate any ed­ ucational institution before enrolling a son or daughter in that institution. FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from Page 292] Chester Johnson, ’40, and Hildur E. Nelson, June 8 , Los Angeles, Calif. Charles E. Molsee, ’40, and Alice Edith Hicks, July 11, Ellensburg, Wash.

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