August, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Winona Lake, Ind., under the direction of Louis S. Bauman; August 13 to 15— Annual Bible Conference of the Biblical Research Society, Montrose, Pa., under thé direction of David L. Cooper; Au gust 18 to 24—Vicinity of Philadelphia, Pa., and August 25 to 27—Rosedale Pro phetic Conference (Committee Chair man, Mrs. I. A. Spatz, 1142 No. 11th St., Reading, Pa. Inquiries concerning these meetings may be addressed to Dr. Monroe at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Dr. Monroe’ s Itinerary Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, expects to leave Los Angeles late in July for a series of speaking engagements in the Middle West and East. Dates that are definitely announced include the follow ing: July 28 (morning)—Wheaton Tab ernacle, Wheaton, HI., (evening)—Col lege Church of Christ, Wheaton; July 29 —Wheaton College Chapel; July 30 to August 7—Ohio and Indiana; August 8 to 11—Winona Lake -Prophetic Conference,
GOSPEL S0UND FILMS Beach multitudes of people for God with the aid of 16 mm Gospel sound films. Several films are now ready. It' is a most effective way of pre senting the Truth. Write for particulars.
C. O. BAPTISTA Film Laboratory 325 W. Huron St., Chicago, III.
Sell Christian S reet I ngs Many Individuals, Groups, Classes make nice sums each year selling our Christ honoring Christmas and Everyday Greeting Cards, Calendars, Mottoes, Wrappings, etc. •We offer the best and most profitable line. BETTER GREETINGS Box 882 Wichita, Kans. BELIEVING IS A Christian reader once said of this booklet, “ It is a golden doorway leading to an enchanted and. undiscov ered land.” 16-Pages. Sent free on request. Address Dept. K THE SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Bessemer Building, Pittsburg,Pa. DANIEL AND REVELATION The prophecies of these two great books of God’s unerring word form a picture of the Mud and Metal conditions of the end-time. The mystery of iniquity is getting the world ready for the seven tieth week. The two Home Study Courses— Prophecy and Revelation, — published by Union Bible Seminary, give the reader a new insight into God’s plan as foreshown in the Bible. Each course has 20 lessons. Study prophecy now. c p e r i A L Send $1 for both courses <40 les- a rE % iM k sons) and receive a book, “ Pro phetic Prospect«.“ FREE. BETTER YET,—COME TO BIBEE SCHOOL! . Union Bible Seminary, Dept. 589, Westfield, Ind. SEEING Written by James H. McConkey
Girls' Query Corner Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott
Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope*should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication. Dear Miss Scott:
Does He not say plainly, “Ye have not, because ye ask not” (Jas. 4:2) ? He will be to us as a Father if we will be to Him as children. Remember, too, that we are defi nitely told to pray for other believers. In Ephesians 6:18, Paul urges “suppli cation for all saints.” Oh, that we might feel our responsibility in this as did Samuel who said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you” (1 Sam. 12:33)! Before going to your last question, I would remind you also that it is by prayer that we fulfill our official duties as believer-priests. “Ye . . . are . . . a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 2:5). Think of if! In this service we are associated with Christ, our High Priest, who “ever liv- eth to make intercession” for us who “come unto God by him” (Heb. 7:25). “Workers together with him”—what a privilege! Now let us consider the problem con cerning prayer for the unsaved. It is true that we need not seek God’s willing ness to save the lost. He has given us a part by prayer in hindering Satan’s work of blinding the eyes of fhe un saved .and of holding them in bondage. In the New Testament much emphasis is put on faith for others. There are recorded three times” as many cases where people were healed and helped through the intercession of others as there are of those who came for them selves. When the four men brought the paralytic to the Lord Jesus, we read, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said . . .” (Mk. 2:5). The Lord still promises "If ye shall ask . . . I will do.” His law of' cooper ation for the salvation of the lost is as real as His law of cooperation in the physical world. We are asked to pray and to witness of our Saviour.
Our whole family love THE KING’S BUSINESS. And, do you know, we all read the “ Query Comer”—even my Dad! I have been especially interested in ar ticles you have written about prayer. Brought up in a Christian home and taught from childhood to pray, I would be ashamed to let my friends here know of the doubts that come to me at times concerning the reasonableness o f prayer. ■Finally, I have decided to write to you, for you do not know me, and others may be bothered by these same questions: Why pray to ask God for things for ourselves or others when He knows better than we do what we heed, and when He, as a loving Father, is con cerning Himself about the needs of Hiß children ? Why ask God to save the lost since it is true that it is not His will that any shall perish? These questions come to me again and again when I pray. Please help me for I am “Bothered.” My Dear: I am glad to receive questions which show concern about prayer, for it is indeed vital in our Christian life and service. What a challenge God’s peo ple should find in the events of the days through whicn we are passing, really to give themselves to the ministry of prayer! • As for your first question, would not a sufficient reason for prayer be that God asks for it ? Read Matthew 7:7-11 and see that He expects us to ask of Him and to expect to receive the very thing we ask. This necessitates knowing the teaching the Word gives concerning prayer, and also the leading of the Holy Spirit that we may ask aright. Prayer is one of God’s laws for run ning the universe, and we cannot disre gard His law and prosper spiritually.
RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR CHURCH! Every year, church groups, are rais ing money for various church ex penses by talcing orders for our beautiful line of Christmas and Everyday Greeting Cards and attrac tive GiftWrappings. Easy—dignified .— profitable! Just show samples to church members, friends and others in your community. Selection in cludes wide variety etchings, reli gious subjects, etc. 40% to 50% profit on every $1.00 saleLNo cash invest ment. SEND FOR FRBB SAMPLE KIT
•Iso complete details of tested selling plan especially designed for Church groups. Give name of Church and or ganization when writing. DONALD CURTIS Î30 VASSAfc STREET f ; . -
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