August, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
A CHRISTMAS CARD, THEY'LL KEEP B e a u tifu l —•New — D iffe re n t Agents: IncreaseYourIncome.. .Popular.Qaick- Selling 4-Color Art Christmas Cardof 12Beau tifulPages...Inspiringstoryof Silent Nignt . This Unique Feature brings quick sales anafl added profits. Write for FREE sample today. JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY Inc. Pnh - "Rook of life " and “ Stories ofHymhs Ws Lors*
Our Literature Table From a Bishop’s Basket By HERBERT LOCKYER
Jew s Responsible fo r the P rotocols?” There are thirteen chapters in all, am ong them being these: “May W e E xpect a Great R evival?” and ‘‘The Great T ribula tion.” In these days of the rapid fu lfill ment o f the L ord’s predictions fo r the end time, a study o f this book w ill be highly profitable. 159 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1:00. The Monk Who Lived Again By B. H ‘ PEARSON “ This book ,” w rites one review er, “ opens a w indow upon the psych ology of Romanism and o f salvation by w orks.” The w indow is elear, and the view is broad and surprising. One sees W alter Montano as he entered a m onastery of Santo D om ingo as a Dom inican m onk; ob serves him as he takes his vow s, p ros trated before the altar, the funeral service being read over him ; looks on in grateful praise to God as new life comes to the young^ monk, even “ the life that is Christ” ; view s the terrible persecution which came as a result o f the acceptance o f salvation by grace. It is a m oving story o f the triumph of the grace o f God. 185 pages. L igh t and L ife Press, W inona Lake, Ind. Cloth. Price $1.25. Prayer Primer T eaching Christians to pray in a man ner that w ill be w ell-pleasin g to God is the aim o f this little 32-page pamphlet. The essential rudiments for effectual prayer are presented in Scripture portions th at, are outlined according to subject. Under the topic, “God Tells Us to Pray Unto Him, and Prom ises to Hear and A n sw er” are listed numerous prom ises fit ting to the subject. The booklet also d is cusses m a n y other topics that w ill prove helpful in the strengthening o f the prayer life o f the believer. 32 pages., American P rophetic League, Inc. Paper. P rice 10 cents. How to Read and Remember the Scriptures By W . M. DAVIS Just a little book, easy to handle anct carry, but how fu ll it is o f practical su g gestions fo r one who loves his Bible! Studying this book, one w ill learn how to outline a sermon so it can be remembered, how to use the law o f association, how to develop concentration, imagination, and persistence. Many other useful ap proaches to the subject are given. 83 pages. W . M. Davis, B ox 1243, Harlingen,’ Tex. Board. .Price 65 cents. The story of tw o youn g people-—each of whom had been told by a physician that his or her life could not extend longer than one year—3s w oven together in a fascin ating manner. Unusual and inter est-holding episodes occur in every chap ter. As is the case w ith all the w riting o f .B ertha B. Moore, this book presents the need for salvation through Christ, in a w ay that is undisputable. 191 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. $1.00. God’s Answer to Man’s Sin By HYMAN APPELMAN ' 'All the zeal and forcefu l rhetoric which mark the pulpit m inistry of this converted Jewish law yer are bound up in the m es sages of this book. It is evident that “ every m essage w as.preached and written in the pressure, the drive, the heat of evangelistic service.” Like his pow erful book^ discussing the great question, “ Ye Must Be Born Again,” the author’s pres ent volum e bears the authoritative “ thus saith the Lord.” The terrible and elem en tal problem o f sin, as it affects the indi vidual and the race, is fearlessly attacked in these pages. 148 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth.. Price $1.00. One More Year By BERTHA B. MOORE
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Bishop T aylor Smith, whose lon g and varied m inistry touched thousands of lives, was a forceful, challenging, hum or ous character. Tw elve of his unique pub lic addresses are presented-in this book, edited and arranged by one w h o ' cher ished “ a very precious .and intimate friendship which w as form ed 'through the Bishop’s remarkable Am erican tours.” There is nothing comm onplace about the w ritin g; it is refreshing and delightful in every line. 192 pages. P ickering & Inglis. Cloth. P rice $2.00. Child’s Story Bible By CATHERINE F. VOS * Christian parents who believe that the best is none too good fo r their children, especially fo r training them in spiritual things, w ill desire this new Bible Story book. Forem ost o f its many superior qualities is the fact that it is true to the Word o f God in every respect.. Beginning with the creation in Genesis and goin g through the entire Bible to the scenes in g lory in the last chapters of R evelation, there are vivid portrayals of real people that w ill intrigue and inspire the children. W ritten in such a fashion as to be under stood easily by the child, the stories bear the indelible impression o f having been prepared by one who knew and loved children— and who knew and loved the Book. The Board o f the National Union o f Christian Schools has exam ined this volume, and as a result they heartily rec ommend it to the Christian public. B eau tifu lly illustrated. 584 pages. Wm . B. Eerdmans Pub. .Co. Cloth. Price $3.00. P ractical points that give aid in living a consistent .Christian life in everyday a ffairs are brought out in this v erse-by- verse study of the B ook of Galatians. The comm ent fo r each verse is concise, yet rich in meaning. Oftentimes a parallel is drawn betw een the Christians to "Whom Paul addressed the E pistle and present- day believers, with conclusive application. Not only does the author w rite as one fam iliar w ith the. many problem s that arise in Christian experience, but he is able also to point to the solution in the W ord itself. Laymen particularly w ill find this little book o f great value in under standing this Epistle. 118 pages. R evell Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. P atricia Prentiss, in her early twenties, found in John W orth a man o f character and genuineness and determ ination. Years follow ed, and the tw o w ere separated, while P atricia’s w orldly-m inded m other urged the g irl’s acceptance o f a socially prom inent suitor. During this storm y period, the guidance o f God was hard to trace, but it was real'nevertheless, and it led to ultimate and ^complete happiness. Young people whose hearts are disturbed by the necessity o f having to w ait fo r the fulfillm ent o f some o f their hopes will find enjoym ent and stabilizing, encourage ment in this narrative. 317 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $2,00. The Lamp of Prophecy B y H. A. IRONSIDE H aving “ in mind particularly those who have not given much attention to these things, or others w ho by w ron g teaching have had their faith shaken,” the w riter has set about to show the clear declara tions of Scripture concerning com ing events. The book offers several strong chapters dealing w ith the nation o f Is rael: “ W ill Israel Be R egathered?” “ Is rael, Jehovah’s W itness,” and “Are the God’s Grace in Galatians By CLARENCE A. MARLIN Patricia By GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL
Make MORE Money This Christmas Show our “ Good Will” Line to friends and neigh bors. Beautiful box assortments, 21 folders (with or without’ Scripture Texts) and free 1941 calen dar,, for only $1.00. You make. 50% for yourself or church society. Our Bible-verse Special—50 folders with name and choiee of Scripture text- sells for only $1.20. Popular everywhere. Liberal commission. Full line of other gifts and novelty items. Good profit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for returnable samples and free display folder today. C. W. B O Y E R 2101 Windsor Rd. Dept. D-8 Dayton, Ohio A NEW B OO K L E T Full of Dry Answers to Wet Misstatements. Now in its Second Printing1. “Dragons In theWind" 25 Cents, Postpaid Send Your Order Today to The National Voice Drawer F 126 West Third St., Los Angeles, Calif. Extra Spending Money is easily obtained /by selling our new lino of attractive Scripture and non-Scripture text Christmas and Everyday greeting cards, mottoes, special song books, Scripture calen dars, Bibles, and other religious merchandise. Write us for free catalog and agents' price’s. Unusual offer and good commission. The Boöne Publishing Co. (Dept. K.) P. O. Box 200 Des Moines, Iowa Dr. Ida, India By MARY PAULINE JEFFERY The title o f the book is taken from the fa ct that a letter, addressed simply “ Dr. Ida, India,” found its w ay through that land of over three hundred fifty m illion people, to the correct person, the beloved Ida S. Scudder, M.D., President o f the Medical College fo r W omen, Vellore, In dia. The book is a thrillin g story of the life and m inistry of an American wbman, the daughter o f m issionary parSnts, who has given a lifetim e o f love and service to her Lord and to the people o f India. It has pleased tke Lord to allow the fact o f high achievem ent to be linked with the record of Dr. Scudder’s life o f devoted service. F or any study ; o f m issionary w ork in India, the reading o f this book will be illum inating ..and profitable. 212 pages. R evell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. By ETHEL HUBLER Editor and Publisher of The National Voice Former Price 50 cents, Now Reduced to
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