MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, President Offers a three years’ Bible course under sound and fully e q u i p p e d teachers in all departments. Address
Multnomah School of the Bible 703 N. E. Multnomah Street
F OR COLLEGE a boy needs Character as well as aca demic training. Stony Brook’s standards are high in both these respects. The classes are small, and capable instructors, in terested in each boy’s progress, assure his receiving thorough preparation. A boy certified by Stony Brook is confident and ready to meet the exacting demands made by college life. He knows that his foundations are well laid. The Headmaster will gladly send you a catalogue or confer with you about your boy’s educational problems and plans. Write him today. 19TH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18
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