King's Business - 1940-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August, 1940

Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C., and San Diego, California

cial, and political conquest. Communists are encouraged to join labor unions, fra­ ternal orders, even churches, in order to poison public opinion from the inside, and to convert these agencies into Com­ munist propaganda mediums. Radical strategists are “planted” in schools, col­ leges, and government departments. The technique is to get them placed in key positions, where they can function most effectively for the subversive cause. Propaganda plays an important part in all “fifth column” activity. It is cloaked in appeals to idealism arid high principles, but the cunning aim of the propaganda is always to weaken and demoralize a people in distress. When the nation is fighting for its very life, with its back to the wall, “pacifist” pro­ paganda will be spread. But when the nation’s interests lie in preserving peace, propaganda for war will be dis­ seminated. At this very moment, the radicals of France and Britain are spreading pacifism to undermine the nations in which they live; but here in America, they have been whooping it up for war—since they recognize that our involvement in the war would disrupt and probably destroy our economic sys­ tem. When peace is not possible—as the situation is with the Allies—they are for peace. When peace is possible—as the situation is with the United States —they are against peace. Communists and Nazis in all “capital­ istic” countries were confirmed pacifists all during the years after World War I. They wanted all other nations disarmed, at the very time that Russia and Ger­ many were building up the greatest military machines in all history. The significant thing about the “fifth column” strategy is that both Stalin and Hitler count upon it to produce revolutionary upheaval in the New World. In his autobiography, and espe­ cially in the confidential plans laid bare by the ex-Nazi leader who wrote The Revolution of Nihilism and The Voice of Destruction, Hitler puts his whole re- , liance in the well-organized “fifth col­ umn” to produce insurrection in the na­ tions of North and South America. Ap­ parently, he does not contemplate out­ side invasion of the Western hemi­ sphere. All military men know that this is virtually impossible. Soviet Russia has long contemplated “world revolution”—that is, the setting up of Soviet governments in all nations [Continued on Page 291] v

FIFTH COLUMN: • A new phrase has been built into the English language—“fifth column.” It gained usage as a result of the civil war in Spain. When the first drive on Mad­ rid was launched by the Franco forces, General Mola exulted; “We have four columns moving against the city. Our fifth column is already within the city—it will arise and make itself felt at the proper time.” It was a happy phrase, but a costly one. Thousands of “fifth columnists” died, in order that our yocabulary might be enriched by this most expressive term. The loyalist government in Madrid recognized at once what General Mola meant. A general round-up of “ rebel sympathizers” was ordered, and thousands were executed or imprisoned. The famous “fifth column” in Madrid was routed, and the promising drive on the city was turned back with crush­ ing losses. This was early in the war. It was not until many months later, after General Mola himself had been killed in an airplane accident, that Madrid was finally taken by the Franco legions. The “fifth column” strategy has been widely publicized in the press. Traitors within the Norwegian army betrayed their country and handed over to Hitler some of the key defenses. In other cases, Nazi agents had been planted in positions of trust and prominence. Nazi spies committed acts of sabotage, and Nazi propagandists produced demora­ lization in crucial circumstances. In Norway, the “fifth column” was more important than the military forces themselves in accomplishing the Nazi conquest. In Holland and Belgium, the “fifth column” was equally active, but its effectiveness was reduced by the vigilance of the defenders. The “fifth column” technique was not conceived by the Nazis. The Communists in Russia used it as the main means for putting over the Bolshevik Revolution under Lenin and Trotsky. Communist literature is filled with full and precise instructions as to the manifold ways in which a “fifth column” can be organ­ ized and operated. The very term “Trojan horse” is frequently used by the Communists. This refers to their boring- from-within tactics. The “Trojan horse” t^hnique is not limited to military projects. It is also utilized as a method of intellectual, so­

Courtesy, \Los Angeles Examiner

sionary work abroad . . . that the Master’s kingdom may be enlarged and that people may find Christ who would be their all. Anything else than this is of small comparison.” These sixty-five dollars will provide free subscriptions to THE KING’S BUS­ INESS for a large number of foreign missionaries who will pass on this monthly magazine to other grateful readers. The eagerness with which these missionaries receive the magazine, and the good use they make of it, are indi­ cated in scores of letters that pour into THE KING’S BUSINESS offices. Fol­ lowing are excerpts from a heartening message written from India; ‘‘For a number of years—in fact, since 1929—we have been the happy recipients of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, and words cannot express how much it has been enjoyed here on the mission field. In addition to receiving the spiritual tonic it sup­ plies, we in turn are able to pass on the contents to others, our native workers and evangelists, and from them many in this land have heard and are hearing the gospel. “The copies we receive are bound in volumes, and are available for the use of many college students who eagerly digest their contents. Much blessing has been the result to many . . . students as they have read THE KING’S BUSINESS, and not a few have found Christ.” The staff of THE KING’S BUSINESS desires first of all that the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ may be revealed month by month through this magazine, and it praises God for the fact that He Is using the ministry of the printed page in the salvation of precious souls. To this end, may He use it more and more!

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