T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August, 1940
Science and the Scriptures By the Late FREDERIC W . FARR
S CIENCE and the Christian reli gion are found, in the last analysis, to rest upon the same founds#- always been that it stands upon the strictly rational basis of induction, ob servation, and experiment, is found in many instances to rest upon the mys tical foundations of unproved 'and im provable hypotheses. Religion, to be sure, has always pro fessed to be founded upon the unseen. Faith, not reason, has been its guiding star. The Christian worships with ador ing love a Persori whom he has never seen, and on the word of this Being, the Lord Jesus Christ, he confidently believes himself to be the recipient of eternal life on his way to the joyful occupancy of mansions in the skies. Science and the Realm of Mystery This faith has been criticized and satirized and stigmatized by those call ing themselves rational and scientific. These critics find themselves today in a more and more uncomfortable posi tion. If they accept any of the advanced views of modern science, they are obliged to assume more undemonstrable a n d seemingly preposterous premises than any which ever enter into the fab ric of Christian apologetics. Is it not passing strange that a man will believe in the existence of an atom and disbelieve in the existence of a Su preme Being ? Why should one who believes in an imponderable ether that never can be demonstrated criticize the credulity of a Christian who believes in a hereafter ? The invisible is mightier than the visible, the eternal than the temporal. Professor Jevons has said: "Science does nothing to reduce the number of strange things we may believe.” In view of the discovery of rays that enable men to pierce even a block of cement, revealing the interior, who can rightly doubt the power of the Almighty to search and see the innermost re cesses of the human soul and discern the thoughts and intents of the heart ? Between true science and religion there is not and never can be irrecon cilable contradiction. Science is the handmaid of religion. The Lord of creation and the God of grace are one and the same. He cannot deny Himself. No matter what discoveries are made in natural science, it will be impossible to impeach the authority of the Word of God, to discount its priceless value, or to discredit its authenticity. The Word of God is like a solid cube of granite. Upset it as often as you
away: But the word of the Lord en- dureth for ever.” There are those who profess to revere the Bible as an ethical standard, but who say that it is filled with errors and that inspired writers were sincere but often mistaken. This we cannot accept, for “false in one—false in all.” The Bible is not a textbook of science, but if it errs in its allusions to scientific matters, it cannot be accepted as iner- rant in spiritual things. To say that the inspired writers were mistaken, is to imply that the God who inspired them was also mistaken. This under mines the whole doctrine of inspiration. Since many of the most vital doc- [Continued on Page 289] Mr. Moon is holding two electrodes in contact, discharging the metal as white- hot vapor with low voltage current dis charged at about 5,000 amperes. While members of the audience observe these feats of science, they hear a true-to- the-Bible message that stresses personal salvation through Christ. Last year, nearly 175,000 persons saw a complete scientific demonstration given by Mr. Moon; 350,000 others en tered the exhibit building at odd times during the day to see the displays, and great numbers of these accepted Chris tian literature. This year, other thou sands of visitors to the Fair are hear
please. It is just as broad and deep and wide and high as it was before. Indeed, something of interest and value previously hidden from sight may have become exposed to view thereby. The statements of science are tenta tive and provisional. Let no one tell you it is otherwise. The unexpected dis covery of a new fact is ever revolution izing some entire department of science and exploding utterly some theory hitherto deemed invincible. The Word of God and Certainty The words of God, on the other hand, are absolute and ultimate. “The Scrip ture cannot be broken.” “The grass Withereth, and the flower thereof falleth
tion. Science, whose haughty boast has
ing the gospel as it is faithfully preached in this u n i q u e and convincing way. This remarkable soul saving ministry is being maintained, humanly, by the Christian Business Men’s Committee of San Francisco. Mr. Moon—an electrical and radio wiz ard since childhood, a graduate of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles, and for several years a Los Angeles minister —
Sermons from Science V ISITORS to the Sermons from Sci ence building at the Golden Gate International Exposition, at San Fran cisco, Calif., can see 1,240,000 volts of electricity pass through the body of the demonstrator, Irwin A. Moon (lower picture), as he uses this spectacular means of illustrating Biblical truth. The photograph at the upper left depicts the same principle of “tuning” electricity so that a human body can take it. Here
brings his varied demonstrations at 3:00, 6:00, and 8:00 p.m. every day except Monday. Tom M. Olson is business man ager of the exhibit. Four completely different lectures are given in the course of a week. On Saturday and Sunday evenings in particular, the queues of persons waiting for the privilege of oc cupying seats and even standing room attest the interest this presentation has aroused as word about it has spread.
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