Investing in Outdoor Living Spaces
Hello there!
Congratulations on starting your journey towards discovering new ways to rest and relax in the fresh air! We know how hard it can be to plan for and budget for home improvement projects because we’ve had the same struggles at our own homes. When trying to figure out investment thresholds, it’s important to know what things cost so you can make educated decisions based on your family’s unique priorities and goals. Please use this guide as a planning tool to help you on your journey. Life is beautiful when you love looking out your window every day and you’re
breathing in the fresh air on your patio! Robyn Schmitz Founder, High Prairie Outdoors
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
General Information When making your investment plan, it’s important to consider the following details. These details may increase your overall investment and should be planned for. Unless otherwise noted, High Prairie includes these things in our proposals, but that’s not common, so be sure to check with your provider. Permits Site Survey Geo-Technical Studies (Reputable pool builders require them!) Demolition Haul-off of Debris Turf Repair Irrigation Repair Design and Assessments Maintenance (Not included in our installation quotes unless requested.) Leveling or Grading to Raise, Lower, or Create Level Spaces Integrated Drainage Soil Testing and Amending Gas Lines, Plumbers, Electrical Work, Electricians: HPO Includes an Allotment Efficiency killers can also increase price: Poor access, severe slopes, inability to park or stage materials near worksite, etc. We know this can seem overwhelming, but the real question is: Would you rather work with an organization that helps you plan for ALL costs or an organization who gets you to sign a contract and then surprises with these details later? Mind the Details!
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Driveways Average Price Type
Tip to Save
Tip to Customize
Add a border or apron with a brick or paver.
Keep the design simple and straight.
$0.70 - 2 per square foot
Gravel Driveway
Don't add color to the concrete, keep it grey and simple.
Concrete Driveway
$16 - 18 per square foot
Consider decorative concrete.
Add multiple colors and antique top coats. Consider borders or other embellishments ($2-7 per SF). Add a different paver for the border, and curves, or designer detials.
Opt for one color and a simple pattern or texture.
$18 - 22 per square foot
Decorative Concrete Driveway
Choose straight lines in the design and use one simple paver.
Paver Driveway (On Concrete)
$45 - 65 per square foot
What you won’t see in the pricing guide for driveways: Paver drives on an aggregate/gravel base: These driveways do NOT last with vehicular traffic and are not considered a wise investment if not installed on concrete or trass bedding. Driveways with natural stone such as flagstone: The natural stone is not engineered, so isn’t as likely to handle traffic. It also doesn’t tolerate salt on tires like a high-grade paver would. Things that will increase your investment beyond the averages price per foot are: demolition of existing elements, building up a sloped area, walls to level area, and extra excavation.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Patios and Walkways
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Add a border or apron with a brick or paver.
Keep the design simple with straight edge and don't add color.
$17 - 20 per square foot
Concrete Patio
Add additional colors, top coats, and contrasting details.
Avoid complex shapes and use one color.
Colored or Stamped Concrete Patio
$20 - 35 per square foot
Save money by using a more affordable paver for the body and use a higher end paver for the borders.
Add designer details, unique patterns, and multi-sized stone options.
Paver Patio on Aggregate $40 - 50 per square foot
Add designer details, unique patterns, and multi-stone options. Consider using large slabs.
Use a simple design in a simple, classic pattern.
Premium Paver Patio
$50 - 60 per square foot
Allow for larger joints for mortar instead of cutting every single edge for labor saving. (not more than 2" joints.)
Use square cut stone or have random flagstone cut on every edge for tiny joints.
$55 - 65 per square foot
Natural Stone Patio
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Retaining Walls
Walls over 3’ or terraced walls require reverse engineering with a geo-textile product that reinforces the walls to prevent future failing. This additional investment can be $2-5 more per square foot.
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
$140 - 175 per square foot
add interesting cap or curves.
Split-Face Block Retaining Wall
Use contrasting block as a designer ribbon in the wall or use intereting cap. Choose natural stone veneer, an interesting cap, or use colored mortar.
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
Premium Block Retianing Wall
$165 - 200 per square foot
Use stucco instead of veneer, or use simple designs.
Retaining Wall with Veneer
$240 - 275 per square foot
Use exotic stone or frost-resistant stone.
Use larger ledgestone to save on labor.
Stone Retaining Wall
$175 - 200 per square foot
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
Poured Concrete Retaining Wall
$30 - 40 per square foot
Add coloring, textures, or caps.
Stone Veneer on Exiting Surface
$20 - 35 per square foot
Use manmade product.
Use natural stone.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Fire Features
Some cities require permits for fire features and also have design standards about proximity to lot lines and structures. Ensure you know your codes before investing. Permits can be expensive. Ensure the fire feature is installed where prevailing winds won’t blow out the fire or blow smoke towards your usable space.
For gas features, plan on budgeting an additional $2000-7000 for plumbing
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Choose an antique sugar kettle, or a pre- fabricated option.
Choose a small, wood burning model.
$200 - 1500
Portable Outdoor Fire Pit
Add natural gas, accent fire glass or a cooking grate. Consider unique cap.
Choose wood burning, simple cap, and simple block.
Built in Block Fire Pit Kit
$1500 - 4000
Choose common sizes and shapes. If using gas locate close to lines. Select a basic model with minimal sections to install and choose wood burning.
Customize with seating, walls, water features or unique materials.
$5000 - 8000
Custom Fire Pit
Choose unique material/details. Gas is
Pre-Fabricated Fireplace
$6000- 22,000
an additional investment of $2000-$7000.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Fire Features
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Add fire box, a mantle, a stone hearth, or custom details that match
Choose simple Veneer and add embellishment with a different stone.
Pre-Fabricated Structure with Custom Veneer
$10,000 - 40,000
your architecture. For gas features, plan on budgeting an additional $2000- 7000. Choose high-end materials, add water features, planters, wood boxes, and custom details. If gas is desired, the additional investment is between $2,000 - $7,000.
Choose standard shapes and sizes.
Custom Fireplace
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Outdoor Kitchens
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Choose simple appliances in a linear shaped bar. Choose a stucco model to save.
Upgrade to stone veneer, more/better appliances, and lighting.
$6000 - 15,000
Prefabricated Outdoor Kitchen
Buy a smaller grill and include only our must- have accessories.
Upgrade counters, finishes, change to an L-shape, or add a tiered bar. Up grade counter, finishes, change to an L-shape, or add a tiered bar. Consider a beer or rootbeer tap. Add a TV, sound system, multi-bar, heaters, and any other luxury items you can add to your kitchen.
Simple Outdoor Kitchen - Veneered
$10,000 - 20,000
Choose simple finishing materials in an easy to build shape. (square is easier than curved) Keep accessories simple. Choose simple finishing materials in an easy to build shape. (square is easier than curved) Keep accessories simple.
Large Outdoor Kitchen
$25,000 - 65,000
Luxury Outdoor Kitchen
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Outdoor Kitchens
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Choose a stone veneered, independent piece to add to you kitchen. Upgrade to a larger model, add designer details in the veneer, add an upgraded mantle.
$5000 - 13,000
Choose a countertop version to save.
Prefabricated Pizza Oven
Choose a base price granite with a Zero degree edge and simple veneer.
Mugnaini Italian Pizza Oven with Stone Veneer
$15,000 - 25,000
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Signature Kitchen: The Sous Chef
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Upgrade to a limestone counter choosing between a 90 degree edge and hand chiseled edges. Choose a high end veneer, upgrade your appliances, or add more lights.
Choose base price granite with a 90 degree edge and simple veneer.
$12,000 - 16,000
The Sous Chef - 6'
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Signature Kitchen: The Chef
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Upgrade to a limestone counter choosing between a 90 degree edge and hand chiseled edges. Choose a high end veneer, upgrade your appliances, or add more lights.
Choose base price granite with a 90 degree edge and simple veneer.
$16,000 - 19,000
The Chef - 9'
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Signature Kitchen: The Entertainer
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Upgrade to a limestone counter choosing between a 90 degree edge and hand chiseled edges. Choose a high end veneer, upgrade your appliances, or add more lights.
Choose base price granite with a 90 degree edge and simple veneer.
The Entertainer - 8.5' x 8.5'
$20,000 - 26,000
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Choose a smaller shape in rectangle or square. Smaller is always a saving. Forgo the heater and water features to save more.
Upgrade vinyl, custom coping, or a pool deck.
$20,000 - 50,000
Vinyl Pool
Add custom coping, a
$65,000- $150,000+
permeable paver pool deck for no visible drains, add water features. Add sun-ledge, infinity edge, boulders, glass tiles, and custom coping. Include a permeable paver pool deck for no visible drains. Mosaic tiling, partially above ground with veneer, water features. Add bubblers, beaches, benches, steps, waterfalls, boulders.
Fiberglass Pool
$100,000- $700,000+ (Range of
Choose one custom color and limit the extra features like spas and waterfalls.
Gunite Pool
$200-$300 per square foot on average)
Simple interior tiling, one heater, fully in-ground.
Plunge Pools: Pre-Cast Concrete
$60,000- $300,000+ (Range of
Smaller sizes and simplify design features. Include less boulders.
Sculpted Quartz Pool
$185-$200 per square foot on average)
In addition to the budget ranges above, plan for these additional investments: Engineering ($3000-$7000), Geo-Technical Testing ($2500-$5000), Lot Survey ($1000-$1500), Permitting ($500-$1500) Covers ($10,000-$25,000) + Maintenance $1800-$5500 per year The remainder of the pool deck, landscape, irrigation: Pool cost X 1.5-2.5
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Upgrade to Coastal Source for a lifetime warranty on the fixture. Upgrade to Coastal Source for a lifetime warranty on the fixtures. Upgrade to Coastal Source for a lifetime warranty on the fixture. Wrap trees- the most expensive investment in both materials and labor in holiday lighting, but they’re amazing!
Per Fixture - transformer already onsite
$180- 600
Choose entry-level professional grade fixtures
Simple Lighting System
$4000 - 6000
Choose a pro-grade Unique lights.
Intricate Lighting System
$10,000 - 60,000+
Choose a pro-grade Unique light.
Start with the roofline and build to your collection over time.
Holiday Lighting - Professional Grade LED
$1500 - 30,000
Tip: You can build your lighting system over time if you plan for it. Simply ensure you’ve investing in a transformer with expansion room and have lighting wire run in hardscapes you hope to add lighting to later.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Select a larger fountain and add an auto-fill so that you never have to hand fill. Select a larger fountain and add an auto-fill so that you never have to hand fill.
Choose two tiered option close to electrial source.
Tiered Concrete Fountain
$2000 - 7000
$750 - 4500
Choose a smaller design.
Wall Fountain
Size is the price dictator. Always
Add lighting, timers, and auto-fill.
$4500 - 10,000
Large Fountain
ensure a proper base for a large fountain.
Add custom details, natural stone veneer, and lights.
$1200 - 6000
Keep the design simple.
Custom Mailbox
$200-$2500 for conventional $2000-$6000 for custom or antique
Size and Material are the most important budgeting factors
Stone or Antique Elements
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Irrigation and Drainage
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
$0.50-0.75 per Square Foot
Surfae Swale
Add boulders to edges and through- out to make the stream appear natural. Always use 3 sizes of rock to prevent it looking like a gravel pad, make natural curves and islands.
Use less boulders and a more uniform gravel bed.
Dry Stream Bed
$4000 - 15,000
Add a double-wide drain and sod to disturbed areas.
Use a single-wide drain and seed the disturbed areas.
Engineered French Drain - EZ Fow
$80 - 90 per Linear Foot
Tip: Dry stream beds can be a strong design element. Ensure a natural shape with widening and narrowing to look more realistic and avoid using only 1-2 sizes of stone.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Irrigation and Drainage
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Add a custom metal grate with decorative details, or permeable pavement.
$75 - 95 per linear foot
Choose a simple grate.
Trench Drains in Hardscapes
$1500 - 2500 per zone
Irrigation - Sprays and Rotors
$900-1500 per zone
Irrigation - Drip System
Upgrade to a smart clock that can be operated from your phone, add a rain sensor, and consider moisture meter.
Keep the system and clock simple.
Full System - Average Site
$10,000 - 25,000+
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
$0.60 - 0.75 per Square Foot
Seeded Lawn
Sod priority areas, and seed low priority areas,
Sodded Lawn
$1.50 - 3.00
Turf-health programs and robotic mowing are available with our fine gardening program.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Landscape Planting Planting is a tempting area to cut-back on budget because most people associate planting with low-skill labor so they choose a cheaper company. That choice results in a landscape that tends to decline over time and need replacement. Why? Our landscapes are installed in a custom amended soil based on your soil test. Legacy program planting by High Prairie results in fuller, lusher landscapes that get better over time.
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Choose smaller plants, space further apart, and
Upgrade the accent plants to a larger size, add seasonal color or pots. Upgrade the accent plants to a larger size, add seasonal color or pots. Consider styles such as English Garden, Itilian, or French. Bring in specimen features, upgrade size, for immediate impact, introduce English or French pottery, custom art, and seasonal color displays.
Front Landscape - Small
consider doing any removals yourself.
$6,000 - 9,000
Choose smaller plants, space further apart, and
Front Landscape - Average Size
consider doing any removals yourself.
$8000 - 36,000
Focus on the priority areas for upgrading plant sizes.
Front Landscape - Large
$35,000 - 65,000
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Landscape Planting Average Price Tip to Save Type
Tip to Customize
Choose smaller plants, space further apart, and
Upgrade the accent plants to a larger size, add seasonal color or pots. Upgrade the accent plants to a larger size, add seasonal color or pots. Consider styles such as English Garden, Itilian, or French. Bring in specimen features, upgrade size, for immediate impact, introduce English or French pottery, custom art, and seasonal color displays.
Back Landscape - Small
consider doing any removals yourself.
$6,000 - 9,000
Choose smaller plants, space further apart, and
Back Landscape - Average Size
consider doing any removals yourself.
$10,000 - 55,000
Focus on the priority areas for upgrading plant sizes.
Back Landscape - Large
$26,000 - 75,000+
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Landscape Planting Average Price Tip to Save Type
Tip to Customize Order a specimen quality plant and upgrade to an in- ground watering system.
Choose common cultivars. Quick growers are also more affordable.
2.5 - 3" Tree
$1,056 - 1,222
6' Evergreen - Includes compost fertilizer, mulch, and tree stake system. 9' Evergreen - Includes compost fertilizer, mulch, and tree stake system.
Select a readily available cultivar.
$950 - 1,150
Select a readily available cultivar.
$1,450 - 1,650
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Natural Cut Edge
$5.75 per linear foot
Steel Edge
$21 per linear foot
$35 - 40 per linear foot
Stone Edge - Set in Concrete
Paver Edge with Mow Strip - Set in Concrete
$34 - 38 per linear foot
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
$10 - 30 per linear foot
Choose a smaller gauge of wire.
Chain Link Fence
Upgrade the design, add a different topper, and consider cedar or stainig.
Use a simple deign and affordable treated lumber.
$90 - 165 per linear foot
Wood Fence -Cedar
Use affordable white vinyl, but keep away from "discount quality" vinyl as it is will crack in our weather extremes.
Choose a custom color, wood-look, and pro-
$60-100 per linear foot
Vinyl Fence
grade vinyl with designer details.
The shorter the fence, the more affordable. Choose a simple design.
$125 - 150 per linear foot
Add custom details, locks, etc.
Wrought Iron Fence
Ipe or Tempered Glass Panels
$130+ per linear foot
Customize design in any matter of styles.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Carpentry & Structures
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Prefabricated Vinyl Arbor
Choose a basic design. Upgrade to pro-grade vinyl.
$600 - 1000
Prefabricated Iron Arbor
Choose a basic design. Upgrade to a custom design.
$600 - 1000
Add any detail you can imagine: benches, swings, planters, tropical wood. Upgrade to teak, ipe, and add special columns.
Basic Custom Wood Arbor
Choose a basic design.
$2000 - 5000
Choose a common wood and simple design.
Custom Arbor
$5000 - 15,000
Use a square shape, simple rail, and seal the wood. Maintenance costs are high.
Composite Deck
$140-155 per square foot
Upgrade wood and railing.
Use a square shape, simple rail, and seal the wood.
Cedar or Redwood Deck
$130 - 150 per square foot
Upgrade wood and railing.
High Prairie has licensed general contractors and carpentry specialists on-staff.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Carpentry & Structures
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Add designer details like benches, tree boxes, planters, and cut-outs.
Use only one where prominent. Use simple designs. Space the beams further apart and keep it as small as needed. Use basic posts, attach to house to limit posts, and choose a simple design
$150 - 170 per square foot
Ipe Deck
Add columns, rain- proofing canvases, lighting, fans, and decorative beams. Add columns, rain- proofing canvases, lighting, fans, and decorative beams. Upgrade to stone column bases, lighting, fans, heaters, outdoor TV's, and fire features.
Open-Roof Wood Pergola
$4000 - 10,000 for a 10 x 10'
Aluminum Pergola
$6000 - 9000 for a 10 x 10'
Choose simple materials and build only as big as you need. Choose a level spot if possible.
Solid Roof Pavilion
$130 - 175 per square foot for a 12 x 12'
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Renson Camargue
Louvered Pavilions
This Budgeting Guide is intended to help you understand the potential investment involved in adding an automated pergola to your space. Because Renson pergolas are custom designed to your specific site, please note that these budget ranges are informational and not a formal bid. The Camargue: Renson’s Top-of-the-Line structure with larger 6" posts, more customization options. Algarve: All of the durability with a lighter visual presence. 4" posts with a few less color options. Aero: Renson’s louvered roof added to your own posts or structure. Great for custom pillars such as stone!
Investment Range
Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price. Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price. Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price.
Base: $33,000-$38,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
9’10” x 9’10” Renson Camargue
Base: $38,000-$43,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
12’3” x 12’3” Renson Camargue
Base: $53,000-$65,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
13’1” x 23’1” Renson Camargue
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
Algarve + Aero
The Camargue: Renson’s Top-of-the-Line structure with larger 6" posts, more customization options. Algarve: All of the durability with a lighter visual presence. 4" posts with a few less color options. Aero: Renson’s louvered roof added to your own posts or structure. Great for custom pillars such as stone! Louvered Pavilions
Investment Range
Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price. Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price. Any needed permitting or electrical work would be additional, but is unique to each property. Hundreds of color options included in base price.
Base: $19,000-$25,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
9’10” x 9’10” Renson Algarve
Base: $23,000-$28,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
12’3” x 12’3” Renson Algarve
Base: $37,000-$48,000 Accessories: Can add screens, glass walls, privacy sliders, lighting, and sound for an additional investment
13’1” x 23’1” Renson Algarve
Aero: Renson’s signature roof structure without posts. This is great for adding custom columns or attaching to structures!
9'10" X 9'10": $17,000-$23,000 12'3" X 12'3": $21,000-$24,000 13'1" X 19'10": $38,000-$44,000
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
12 Month Care Program Budget based on: Scope Style of $900-$6500+ PER MONTH
Lawn Freedom Plan: Turf Protect and Feed Program Robotic or Conventional Mow + Trim Turf Renovations Soil Health Improvement Mulching Organic Matter Integration Snow Removal Hardscape Servicing and Cleaning Pool and Water Feature Maintenance
Account Manager Field Supervisor Specialized Crew Leads HP Pro Team: Year- Round Crews
2X per Week, Weekly or Bi-Weekly Bed Detailing Plant Health Care: Feed & Protect Program for Landscape Plants Irrigation Care: Monitor, Adjust, and Repair Shearing/Pruning Seasonal Clean-Up Leaf Removal Soil Testing
Landscape Area being Maintained Frequency of Visits Plant Types
Our proactive approach to caring for your outdoor spaces ensures we’re minding the details every step of the way.
All-Inclusive Packages 12 Month Service Cycle Base Package is Minimum Scope Optional Upgrades are a-la-cart.
Seasonal Color Packages, Holiday Lighting, Landscape Lighting, and Landscape Enhancements are also available.
Discovery Meeting You Complete the “Memory Maker” Experience-Driven survey. (1 Hour) We complete our site analysis. (1-5 hours) We create design concepts. Our team reviews and improves the design. We meet with you to review design update budgets. Final design and estimate are prepared. We present your options and design to you!
Primary Designer Site Analyst Project Liaison Design Review Committee
Small designs: $800-$1500 Medium: $1500-$3000 Large: $3000+ Pools: $1500-$6500 + Engineering Industry Average: 3-5% of your project budget is the average design investment.
Site Analysis Lab Soil Test
Color Plan to Scale Material Take-Off Material Catalog 3-5 3D Renderings Video Walk- Through Optional Lighting Design Up to Two Revisions Project Binder
Your team is comprised of degreed, specialized teams who have collaborated on several “National Awards of Excellence” winners, which are selected from the best projects in all o America and Canada
Design Packages are Based on Hourly Rates and Budgeted Averages are Reviewed and Approved Prior to Starting.
Is Financing Right for YOU?
Scan for Financing Info:
Your financial decisions are deeply personal and every family has their own unique priorities and budget. High Prairie provides financing options from lender partners who specialize in funding construction and pool projects. They provide: 3-12 year loan terms Competitive rates No equity down Fast funding with fixed payments Loans up to $250,000 Money is Personal: It’s Up to You!
Thrifty Spenders? It Depends!
“Financing might make sense for you if: Your money is earning more interest in your investments than the financing rate. You want to lock-in current prices before price increases and costly phasing. The stock market is volatile and you’d like reduce your financial risk by spreading payments over 3-12 years to “ride-out” the market peaks and valleys while increasing the value of your physical assets.
Eliminate Delays
Life is short and your family is growing with each day that passes.. Perhaps you’d prefer to have a financing option so that your family can enjoy a fresh outdoor space or pool while they’re still young. Or maybe, you’d benefit from going ahead and adding the outdoor kitchen or pergola while you’re hosting friends and family.
Please note that High Prairie Outdoors provides a connection to third party, legitimate financing options as a way to help our clients, which is common for pools and outdoor living spaces. Your financial decisions are solely up to you and we do not set the terms, rates, or options you select. The lending professionals do. (As they should!)
Who We Are
What if a company set out to challenge the status quo of corner cutting and mediocracy within the landscaping and outdoor living industries? What if we believed that you deserve more. You deserve peace-of-mind with life- improving service and design. What if your improved landscape and outdoor spaces were designed, built, and maintained by professionals who are educated, have clean backgrounds, and stay year after year to serve you better? Humble Beginnings Our small, family-owned business was started by one woman in 2010 after witnessing poor quality and poor employee treatment within our industry. Robyn Schmitz started out with nothing but an old Jeep and the desire to help people experience a different kind of outdoor living company. A company who believes in treating all people, both clients and employees, the way they deserve to be treated. A company who delivers a rare caliber of design, craftsmanship, and service. We’re still small enough to care but large enough to deliver exceptional results on both complicated outdoor construction projects and complex garden care programs. We’ll never be the cheapest, but we’ll provide value for every dollar through lasting quality, peace-of- mind, and maximizing your property’s potential. You deserve no less.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
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