Budgeting Guide - 2024


Tip to Save

Average Price

Tip to Customize


$10 - 30 per linear foot

Choose a smaller gauge of wire.

Chain Link Fence

Upgrade the design, add a different topper, and consider cedar or stainig.

Use a simple deign and affordable treated lumber.

$90 - 165 per linear foot

Wood Fence -Cedar

Use affordable white vinyl, but keep away from "discount quality" vinyl as it is will crack in our weather extremes.

Choose a custom color, wood-look, and pro-

$60-100 per linear foot

Vinyl Fence

grade vinyl with designer details.

The shorter the fence, the more affordable. Choose a simple design.

$125 - 150 per linear foot

Add custom details, locks, etc.

Wrought Iron Fence

Ipe or Tempered Glass Panels

$130+ per linear foot

Customize design in any matter of styles.


6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202


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