Retaining Walls
Walls over 3’ or terraced walls require reverse engineering with a geo-textile product that reinforces the walls to prevent future failing. This additional investment can be $2-5 more per square foot.
Tip to Save
Average Price
Tip to Customize
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
$140 - 175 per square foot
add interesting cap or curves.
Split-Face Block Retaining Wall
Use contrasting block as a designer ribbon in the wall or use intereting cap. Choose natural stone veneer, an interesting cap, or use colored mortar.
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
Premium Block Retianing Wall
$165 - 200 per square foot
Use stucco instead of veneer, or use simple designs.
Retaining Wall with Veneer
$240 - 275 per square foot
Use exotic stone or frost-resistant stone.
Use larger ledgestone to save on labor.
Stone Retaining Wall
$175 - 200 per square foot
Opt for simple designs and keep walls below 3' tall.
Poured Concrete Retaining Wall
$30 - 40 per square foot
Add coloring, textures, or caps.
Stone Veneer on Exiting Surface
$20 - 35 per square foot
Use manmade product.
Use natural stone.
6116 Johnson Dr. Mission, Ks. 66202
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