Sensitivity Smarts
Each day is ever fresh and filled with wonderful possibilities for my success and happiness. Month after month, during the raging pandemic, I consoled my - self with these words. Seems to me, pandemic or not, we can always find freshness in life. Wisdom Seeker—yes, that’s what I’ll be call - ing you in this summertime column—we can always make it our job to learn more daily, and for that, seeking a fresh start sure helps. In that spirit of renewal, I’m following up on a prom- ise made to you in our last Energetic Literacy column to intro- duce you to Sensitivity Smarts. You’ll discover a delightful new way to appreciate yourself and others. Specifically, expect to: 1. Learn about your particular degree of sensitivity; 2. Better understand a range of possibilities for human sensitivity; 3. Gain fresh insight into people who matter to you; and 4. Get strategies for handling sensitivity envy you may encounter. Just about everybody today knows terms like HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and empath. But how many writers today acknowledge that everybody has a valuable kind of sensitivity? And what is sensitivity? The kind of sensitivity you’re learning about here, Wis- dom Seeker, is how your sensitivity is wired for life ! Con- sider your physical body to be the hardware, while your de- gree of neurophysiological sensitivity is part of the software. Notably, this isn’t some software you can upgrade when a better version comes along; no more than, as far as I know, you can swap out the hardware on your body called “needing to use nostrils.” Some things simply aren’t optional. But Sensitivity Savvy can make you more resourceful for dealing with this thing you can’t change.
The Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale But how to measure your sensitivity smarts? Enter the “Ener - gy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale”. Simply put, it’s a range of num - bers, a scale, to summarize a person’s degree of sensitivity. It’s called the “Energy Spirituality” Sensitivity Scale because I devel - oped it using advanced skills of Energetic Literacy, supplemented by other skills I use as the founder of Energy Spirituality. For our purposes, this is a way for you to gain a fresh start on understand- ing everybody’s sensitivity. However, if you Google “Sensitivity Scale,” you’ll find a ton of other approaches. This column presents your golden opportunity to learn about this approach in particular. continued on page 28
PATHWAYS—Summer 21—27
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