Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021


—28— 8/28-8/29 Usui Reiki II. Deep- en your Reiki journey in an in-depth way at the Reiki Center of Greater Washington. Call 301- 963-0787 or see www.reikicenter. info. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki I. —30— Summer Recess SOUL SCHOOL , led by Joanne Selin - ske, PhD, Cht, of Soul Source. See for details about this 9-session program scheduled monthly. Fall semester begins in September. Topics include: The Soul’s Eternal Nature; Soul Planning Process; Forgiveness,”a Zoom fol- low-up to TSLDC’s 8/1 Path - ways Expo Presentation, “How to Create Peace in a World of Chaos. Be the Peace You Want to See in the World!” Sessions are one hour with an additional half hour for Q&A. Feel free to join at any time during the session from 7:30-9pm; replays will be posted on our website within five days of the presentation. The Summit Lighthouse of Washington, DC.

Looking for Love; Understanding the Past; and Unburdening the Past. $55.00 per session. Register at - dex.php/register-pay-for-events/. Contact 410-371-7950.

8/21-22 Usui Reiki I – Learn the art of healing in an in- depth way at the Reiki Center of Greater Washington. Call 301- 963-0787 or see www.reikicenter. info. —22— Deep Dive Day Self-Solidarity Circle with Shawn Mahshie, Happiness & Self-Solidarity Expert, Author, Retreat leader. Turn around anxiety, depression, relationship issues by learning the Symmetry Principle to harness whatever upsets you as a direct portal to peace, prosperity, & unconditional connection with yourself, others, and life, so you can thrive this time, no matter what. —26— “Create Peace in our Rela- tionships Using the Key of Tuition: $330 if paid by July 16, 2021: $380 if paid later. To Reg - ister: call Wanda at 812-705-5135 or email Katie at katielynn3492@ www.lasseterlundy. com


Munay Ki Shamanic Initia- tion - All 9 Rites with Uma. The Rites of the Munay-Ki trans - form and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past—your kar- mic & genetic inheritance. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body, one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being. To register: www. events/278140994/. —21— Moon Service. Volunteer led monthly services. All faiths welcome. Please call the office for specific times. Four Quarters In - terFaith Sanctuary, Artemas, PA. 814-784-3080; 8/21-22 Energy Redistribu- tion, Clearing, & Balancing. This class is about achieving the frequencies and flows necessary to clear someone’s energy, includ- ing your own. 12-6pm both days.


9/1-6 Stones Rising. A six-day ceremonial intensive that culmi- nates with two hundred people raising two Standing Stones, us - ing ropes, rollers and a lot of hard work. Join us for a Celtic inspired complex of service, ceremony, and celebration. Every hand is needed, every task important, every breath a blessing on the Great Work for our great grandchildren, Seven Generations down the line. Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary, Artemas, PA. 814-784-3080; —4— GardenDC Weekly Podcast , hosted every Saturday by Kathy Jentz, Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine. All about gardening in the greater Wash-

44—PATHWAYS—Summer 21

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