Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021


10/28 Deep Dive Day Self-Sol- idarity Circle with Shawn Mahshie, Happiness & Self-Sol - idarity Expert, Author, Retreat leader. Turn around anxiety, depression, relationship issues by learning the Symmetry Principle to harness whatever upsets you as a direct portal to peace, prosper- ity, & unconditional connection with yourself, others, and life, so you can thrive this time, no mat- ter what. 10/28-31 Radical Relationship Relief Waterfront Retreat in The Work of Byron Katie , with Shawn Mahshie, Happiness & Self-Solidarity Expert, Author, Retreat leader. Deep Shifts, Great People, Great Food, Fun, Peaceful Setting; Deale MD. - terfront-retreats/ 1/1-6/22 Costa Rica Usui Reiki Level I & II Training Retreat. Earn your Reiki Level I & II credentials while living la pura vida in Costa Rica! This retreat is being hosted by Usui Reiki Mas - ter Teachers Vanessa Ferragut

—5— Online 4-Week Psychic Me- diumship Beginner Program with Carlos and Uma. This personalized 4-week program assists interested persons in the development of the natural mediumistic and psychic abilities for their own benefit or to work professionally in the mediumship field. To register: - events/276510584/. —6— Online 6-Week Intuitive Development Program. This 6-week program is for anyone who wants to develop their intu- itive and psychic skills as well as get to understand their individ- ual path with Uma’s guidance. Discover your WHY and your ington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Available to listen through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Prior episodes archived at https://podcasts. id1502631179. www.Washington -

—17— Virgo New Moon Circle | Virtual | Signup for replay. Feel anxious & alone? Wonder about your life’s purpose? Start har - nessing the power of the Moon to manifest the abundant life of your dreams! Visit: www.goldenotter- PURPOSE in life to pursue your dream life and passions! Occurs on six Mondays, 6pm – 8pm. To RSVP & register: IntuitiveOnline2021. —23— 9/23-26 Prosperity thru Self- Love Early Fall Waterfront Retreat in The Work of By- ron Katie , with Shawn Mahshie, Happiness & Self-Solidarity Ex - pert, Author, Retreat leader. Deep Shifts, Great People, Great Food, Fun, Peaceful Setting; Deale MD. - terfront-retreats/ —25— 9/25-26 Bach Flower Basics Course introduces Dr. Bach’s simple system of healing. Live virtual class is taught in two

sessions - 3 hours each. Visit www. or contact Barbara Binney: rain -


8/21-22 Energy Redistribu- tion, Clearing, & Balancing. This class is about achieving the frequencies and flows necessary to clear someone’s energy, includ- ing your own. To register: call Wanda at 812-705-5135; or email Katie, All classes are online until further notice. 10/16-17, 23-24 Bach Flower Level 1 Introductory Pro- gram introduces Dr. Bach’s simple system of healing. Level 1 teaches more information and case studies than Basics course. Live virtual class is taught in four sessions, 3 hours each. Visit www. or contact Barbara Binney: rain -

PATHWAYS—Summer 21—45

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