ticity; and (3) Increase bond, fellowship. Men’s Group challeng - es the myth that you—and you alone—are the only guy that has ever dealt with a challenge. To join, visit the following link and contact the group facilitator, Dela Anthonio: www.unityoffairfax. org/calendar/2021/mens-group- online Messages from Spirit is a Group Psychic-Medium Reading Event that offers a warm, invit - ing, community environment whereupon each person receives the benefit of communing with Spirit by hearing and/or receiving messages from Psychic Medium Jennifer Garcia. Email: info@; or call 1-888-934-3642 (toll-free). www. Mindful 365 Meditation. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 10am. Whether you already have a meditation practice or you’d like to cultivate one, most people find that meditating in community strengthens their practice. We come together to maintain our
Lightworkers only Moon Circle at each New & Full Moon and start harnessing the power of the Moon to manifest the abundant life of your dreams! www.goldenotter- Medical Intuitive Amos Snid- er releases your energetic physi- cal, mental, or emotional blocks. Amos will be at the DC Omni Shoreham Hotel the second full weekend each month. Schedule at Meditation Circle offers a quiet, peaceful environment to help you let go of the mental chatter so you can go inward and connect spiritual. Beginners wel - come! 1st Monday of the month, 6-7pm at Spiritual Spectra Office in Columbia, Maryland. Cost: $10. Call: 1-888-934-3642, or email: www. Men’s Group Every Wednes- day at 7pm. Our Purpose: (1) Support each other, serve each other’s greatest good; (2) Increase spiritual awareness and authen-
ington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Available to listen through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Prior episodes archived at https://podcasts. id1502631179. www.Washington - Goddess Circle, 3rd Sunday of every month. 7:30pm-9pm. The Takoma Metaphysical Chapel invites you to join us in honoring the Goddess in traditional and innovative rituals of worship with Reverend Cynthia Tootle, at her home, 756 Silver Spring Ave, Silver Spring, MD. All are welcome. Love donations will be cheerfully accepted. Info at www. Marina Shakour Haber “The Power Of Positivi- ty” continuing event. www. - ism-Group-112796003831843 Hungry For God? Eckankar Worship Services offer an opportunity to join with other seekers in consciousness provok-
ing discussions on deeply spiritual topics. These services can be a gateway to experiences with the Light and Sound of God. Every Sunday at 11am. NoVa ECK Cen - ter, 2810 Old Lee Highway, #301, Fairfax, Virginia 22031; 703-916- 0515. Intuition & Healing Develop- ment. This video development group is an exciting blend of study and practice in the fields of metaphysics, healing and intu- ition. The participants select the topic for each meeting. Come join us monthly and learn about the things that interest you. Discov- er what you are great at doing! Tuition: $50 per class. To regis - ter: call Wanda at 812-705-5135; or email Katie, katielynn3492@ All classes are online until further notice. www.lasseter- Lunar Manifestations Moon Circles | Virtual | Signup for replay. Feel anxious & alone? Wonder about your life’s purpose? Feel like you can never have, be or do enough? Join us for a
PATHWAYS—Summer 21—47
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