Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021


The Healing Power of Flower Remedies

anyone. His focus was on the emotional well-being of the patient, rather than on the physical disease. He created 38 flower remedies and became a pioneer in this field. There is a growing body of sci - entific literature and case studies presented on the efficacy and natu - ral mind-body healing applications of Bach Flower Remedies, which are used in over 70 countries; and since Dr. Bach’s time, many more remedies are now available from companies from around the world. How Do Flower Remedies Work? FAQs Answered The way flower remedies work is very simple. A rem - edy is made by putting flowers into water, then letting it soak in the sun. The healing energy of the flower is imprint - ed in the water and the water itself becomes the remedy. We know from the experiments of the scientist Dr. Masaru Emo - to that the structure of water is affected by the world around it. Dr. Emoto exposed water to different phenomena, froze the water, then enlarged the frozen water crystals under a microscope. He took pho - tos of these crystals to show how water is affected by what it is ex - posed to. Some of Dr. Emoto’s experiments included taping words and images to jars of water, playing music in the presence of water, or simply freezing water from different locations. He found that pos - itive words and images produced water crystals that were beautiful and well-shaped. Negative words and images produced broken, un- attractive crystals. Water from places as varied as Manhattan to a shrine in Japan all had their own unique pattern, as did each and every crystal. This principle can be applied to the flower essences. continued on page 50

BY MARTHA GARLAND Is there anyone who doesn’t like flowers? I can’t imagine, es - pecially once you know just what powerful little healers they are! My first encounter with flower remedies was 25+ years ago when I tried Rescue Remedy from Dr. Bach. I found myself in an extremely anxiety-provoking situation. I couldn’t breathe properly, my heart was racing and I simply couldn’t cope. Four drops of Rescue Remedy and I felt the difference immediately. Suddenly I could breathe deeply, I calmed down, and my anxiety cleared enough for me to handle the situation. Frankly, this blew my mind and I wanted to know more. RescueRemedywasmy gateway to theworldof flower remedies, gem remedies, even sea remedies. Over the years I have collected remedies, created my own, learned as much as I could about them, and became a BachFoundationRegisteredPractitioner. Inowhaveover200remedies inmy dispensary from several different companies andmany remedies I have made myself. I treat my clients, loved ones and pets with them. I view flower remedies as indispensable to my practice and to my sanity. A Brief History of Flower Remedies Plant medicine has been around for thousands of years, used by ancient and indigenous groups all over the globe for healing and ritual practices. Flower remedies (also known as flower essences) as we know them today were originally formulated by Dr. Edward Bach in Britain. Dr. Bach was trained as a homeopath, bacteri - ologist and surgeon. He left his practice in the 1930s to devote his time and energy to developing flower remedies. He wanted to cre - ate and share a modality that was simple, natural, and accessible to

PATHWAYS—Summer 21—49

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