Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021



our fear is created by our child selves as a coping mechanism— mechanisms received from our parents. These mechanisms and pat- terns that keep us safe may have proven time and again to keep us safe but may also be what holds us back in life, keeping our chakras out of alignment and creating dis-ease or disease in our bodies, minds and souls—keeping us from our unique soul gifts. If this sounds deep to you; it is! Master Healer, Cert. Life Coach and internationally trained Psychic/Medium Rob Pritchard goes behind the veil to your mind chatter, physiological patterns and inherited patterns from past lives and genetics, illuminating the shadow self to help free you

from scripted patterns and allow- ing you to understand with com- passion how these patterns work to keep you safe and secure—but sometimes trapped in the old. This understanding opens the way to conscious choice on where and how you use these inherited patterns to create better coping mechanisms which in turn leads to greater emotional intelligence, opening the door to your soul gifts, to growth. Take the time today to book a free 15-minute consultation to see how we can facilitate the changes and growth you would like to have in your life. Check out the Heal - ing Frequency’s review at www. Email: info@TheHealingfre - healthy gums, healthy teeth, proper bite, and a structurally fit mouth that can accommodate proper function, like breathing and chewing. Make sure to eat healthy foods and get proper nutrients in addition to practicing good oral hygiene habits. Act now to prevent future seri - ous disease that can ultimately kill you—remember, people who keep their teeth live longer. Call Dental Excellence Integrative Center to schedule your next dental exam and cleaning. Visit: www.dentalexcellence- 3116 Mount Vernon Ave,

Imagine having the founda- tions for the life you want. Imagine a world without limiting beliefs crippling you from moving forward. Imagine a world where the things you put up with and toler- ate are at a minimum energetic level. Imagine a world where your boundaries are acknowledged, where you find yourself in a place of honoring your core values and integrity. Imagine a world without fear. What if I told you fear is a state of illusion created by your ego to keep you safe? You see, we are all the sum of everything that has happened to us in life and how we have chosen to deal with it. Most of the time

The Healing Frequency Rob Pritchard


all been linked to gum infection or periodontal disease. Bacteria from the inflamed gums enter the bloodstream, which then travels systemically. Scarier still is that oral bacteria have been found in the brain, bypassing the blood- brain barrier and altering normal brain function. Oral health is key when addressing systemic health. Daily brushing and flossing, and routine professional dental visits are necessary for both oral and systemic health since the mouth is the gateway. Good oral hygiene can prevent serious infection, as well as help strengthen the body’s natural defense system. Good oral health consists of

Most people understand poor dental care can lead to pain, cavities, plaque, gingivitis, and halitosis. What many are discov- ering now is the link between oral and systemic health and how both can affect each other. Simply, if you don’t take care of your oral health, you can face far more con- sequences than a mere toothache or staining of the tooth. Multiple peer review studies and respected organization such as The Mayo Clinic, the CDC and ADA have highlighted the connections between oral and systemic health. Diseases such as cardiovascular disease, de- mentia, respiratory infection, and diabetic complications have

Connection Between Oral and Systemic Health

Alexandria, VA 703-745-5496

60—PATHWAYS—Summer 21

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