Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021


Re-evaluating Your Life

...continued from page 18 reality and find a way to balance both. While it’s the nature of Jupi - ter in Pisces to push boundaries, that’s not quite the right thing to do now. Instead, you want to approach circumstances in your life with caution. You also want to spend time re-evaluating your spiri- tual goals and finding a way to manifest them in the material world. During this time period, you’ll hear more about the plight of the disenfranchised or marginalized segments of society. Also, there will be an increased concern over pollution and other forms of waste or toxins in the environment. You may even decide you want to get involved in some form of activism. If you do, just make certain your commitment does match your spiritual goals. On a mundane level, Jupiter represents legal matters. So, it’s important not to begin any legal actions during this time pe- riod if you have any choice in the matter because you won’t do very well in presenting your case. Either you don’t have a case, or you don’t have all the facts you need. For individuals who are self-employed, a retrograde Jupiter is important to pay attention to. This is a time period to re-eval- uate your marketing strategies. It’s not necessarily a good time to start a new strategy, but rather it is a good time to deter- mine whether your current strategy is working. The time to make any changes is after Jupiter goes direct in October 2021. Perhaps there’s a spiritual synastry that on the day Jupi- ter turns retrograde, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer and the longest day of the year occurs in the Northern Hemi - sphere. For the first time in a while you may feel as if there’s a breath of fresh air going around. As the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, it forms a grand water trine with the Moon in Scorpio and Jupiter retrograde in Pisces. You’re looking for - ward to re-entering the world and socializing with other peo - ple. At the same time, you want to be cautious and not do anything that can cause injury to you or someone you love. Situations in the world feel intense now as the Moon in Scor - pio forms an opposition to the Uranus/Ceres conjunction and a square to Mars and Saturn retrograde. Meanwhile, Mars and Saturn retrograde are forming an opposition to each oth - er. This means you’re willing to hold on to what’s important while finding ways to incorporate new things into your life. Youmay appear open tonew ideas, but in someways you’re not ready to let goof old things even if theyhaven’t quitebeenworking for you—you feel safetyor security insomeof thoseold things, like the adage, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” In actuality this is a solstice where you need to learn how to bal- ance the old with the new. This is a time to review what is work- ing in your life and what’s getting in the way. If you find things or people are getting in your way, it’s time to let go and move on. You breathe a sigh of relief on June 22nd when Mercury in Gemini turns direct. It went retrograde onMay 29th. This wasn’t necessarily the easiest Mercury retrograde because sometime communications just go boggled. Either you didn’t know how to communicate with others or they misunderstood what you were trying to say. Also youwent through various computer problems, perhaps even finding your computer under some form of attack. continued on page 76

PATHWAYS—Summer 21—75

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