Pathways Magazine_Summer 2021


Pathways In Memoriam... ...continued from page 83

Rachel Carillo Was Love & Light, by Michelle Alonso We can’t believe Rachel is gone...and at just 49, much too soon. It doesn’t seem real or possible we’ll never again hear her snort laugh, or wax philosophical about the power

of noodles, or champi- on the earth, the un- derprivileged or the disenfranchised. Ra- chel was eccentric and extraordinary in all the best ways—smart, funny, fluent in 4 lan - guages (including Thai!), worldly, in - quisitive, compassion- ate and fearless—and for all these reasons she was a superb and astute writer, a won- derful friend, and a loving human being. She was endless peace

and joy and light on the outside, but inside she battled hid- den demons. Regardless, or maybe because of them, she was devoted to her numerous causes—environmentalism, homelessness, & human trafficking to name a few—and also vulnerable and deeply troubled. But Rachel never stopped being unapologetically herself, and is one of the bravest and most authentic women I’ve ever had the honor of knowing as a lifelong friend. She always lived out loud, fueled by coffee and curiosity, and even though she spent her whole life reducing her carbon footprint, she only ever increased her own enormous footprint of love, and it will never be washed away. Rachel is loved and she’ll be so terribly missed.

84—PATHWAYS—Summer 21

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