FASD Community Resource Advocate: Michelle Perron This position plays a crucial role in providing information, referrals and access to services for clients who have been diagnosed or are suspected of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This role works closely with the Northwest FASD Diagnostic team and the clients and families involved in the diagnostic process, connecting families to supports within their specific communities. If you have questions about community supports or services for individuals which are suspected or diagnosed please contact the Network. Phone: 780-533-5442 or Email: Michelle@nwfasd.ca Operations and Administration Coordinator: Gail Andrews This role supports the agency teams with reporting and contract commitments and Northwest Peace team with mentoring, safety and health and works within the many projects taken on annually through the Network. Phone: 780-533-5463 or Email: Gail@nwfasd.ca
Contact Mentors for Support and Services:
Peavine Metis Settlement: Valerie Donison (office phone : 780-523-4488) or Email valerie.donison@peavinemetis.com
East Prairie Metis Settlement: Murielle L’Hirondelle (office phone : 780-523-5410) or Email murielle@epms.ca
Gift Lake Metis Settlement: Marge Cunningham (office phone: 780-536-6504) or Email pcapm.fasdsociety@telus.net
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