Family Coach program connects with parents, caregivers, spouses and siblings of individuals who have been diagnosed with FASD. FASD is a complex disability. The skills and abilities vary with each individual. Families need information that will best inform how they will support the individual in their family who has a diagnosis. The Family Coach program is intended to provide this support, sometimes through crisis situations, but most often through debriefing, providing information and resources and ensuring knowledge of learning opportunities around FASD. The Family Coach also reminds the parents, caregivers, spouses and siblings of transitions periods, updated assessments needed and service changes as the individual ages.
There is opportunity always to grow and adapt our programs to the needs of the community of Paddle Prairie. The last two years have been especially challenging for the community.
If you have any ideas, needs, comments or concerns around FASD, programming needed and gaps in services we would love to hear from you! We would also like to hear if we are doing good things.
www.nwr-fasd.ab.ca or on Facebook “NWR FASD Society”
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