PHYSICAL THERAPY & NECK PAIN Neck pain, fortunately, can be alleviated with physical therapy. Because neck pain is often caused by activity, different activity can cure it. Sometimes, this “activity” means “no activity.” Before you contact a professional, try reducing your neck movements. Sometimes, simply letting your neck muscles relax is enough.
If you don’t see relief within two weeks, contact a professional. Physical therapists can target your pain’s source by examining your symptoms. Then, they can offer exercises that stretch, flex and relax your neck muscles. In time, your neck will become more resilient — giving you the comfort you de-serve. Where aftercare treatment is considered, custom-tailored neck exercises will assure your neck stays loose, limber and healthy. If you’re dealing with neck pain, you’re not alone. Call our office today, and schedule an assessment. Even if your neck pain is caused by stress, it still needs attention. We’ll work side by side with your goals, creating the proactive, effective programs you need to achieve mobility once more. Sources neck-pain-reduce-stress.aspx patientinstructions/000802.htm
DO YOU KNOW ABOUT DIRECT ACCESS? Did you know that you are not required to see your primary physician before seeing a physical therapist? We are now able to evaluate you, determine if you need physical therapy, and implement a treatment program…ALLwithout a referral! So call for an appointment today! Minor aches and pains can be fixed quickly when addressed early. No need to make a trip to the Doctor’s office first, let our movement specialists evaluate and treat your needs.
EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Perform This Exercise To Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes! CHIN TILT Stand or sit with good posture and your arms crossed over your chest. Slowly tilt your chin up and towards one side, then return to a neutral start position. Repeat ten times on in each direction.
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