Mountain / Time Exhibition Guide


Mountain / Time brings together a group of recent moving image installations in a dialogue around themes inspired by the intertwined histories, geographies, and ecological systems of the mountainous Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado. The exhibition explores ideas of remapping, migration, Black and Indigenous geographies, storytelling, the liberatory potential of the archive, and perceptions of time in works by Doug Aitken, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Ian Cheng, Arthur Jafa, Kahlil Joseph, Mark Leckey, Maia Ruth Lee, Alan Michelson, Clarissa Tossin, Tourmaline, Kandis Williams, and Anicka Yi. How do the layers of temporality, cultural memory, and resistance explored in each of these works resonate within the vast archival memory of the mountains, where time is measured in a span beyond human comprehension? The works in the exhibition form a community of histories and geographies. Some reveal hidden strata unearthed by deep and cumulative archival research. Others evoke the rhizomatic form of the Aspen trees’ pando root system— one of the oldest single living organisms, whose nonlinear structure of relations and interconnectivity can be entered from multiple points. This serves as a useful model for considering the layered conceptualizations of time in these works and reveals how the excavation of the past leads to a reimagining of the future as well as new forms of world-making.


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