King's Business - 1922-02




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H r a l —I e A R K E N not unto * * th e w ords o f th e prophets that prophecy P& unto $ou; they make $ou vain; they speak a vision o f their own heart, and not out o f the mouth o f the Lord.” Jer. 83:16



SH E R I K H ■ B

They say unto every one that I walketK after the imaginatien of Kis own Keartj no cPil skau come upon you. J«r.ijaz

February, 192»— PRO PH ETIC NUM BER

ANNUITIES! What Are They BKfc ? M B a g g ® . They are contracts made by us in which we agree to pay to the investor, as long as he lives, a certain amount o f money (large or small as the case may be) each year, in quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments, at a rate varying from four to nine per cent, according to the age o f the investor. WE WORK FOR YOU WITHOUT WORRY TO YOU. This Contract Becomes a Blessed Bond IT LIFTS YOUR BURDENS NO MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS YOU EXECUTE YOUR OWN WILL No Fees, No Litigation YOU SING BY DAY AND SLEEP BY NIGHT YOU ARE FREE FROM ALL FEAR Your Income Is Assured BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Write to f C. Horton, Superintendent, for Full Information

TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS MOTTO; "I, the Lord, do keep it, l will water It every moment, lest any hurt It, I will keep It nightandday." -------------- ar— m = ,j Isa. 27:3 .......... ......... ........ — ........■■ PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET. LOS ANGELES. CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17. 1910. at the Post Office at Los Angeles. California under the Act of March 3. 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized October 1. 1 9 1 8 . __________ Volume XIII February), 1922 . Number 2 Rev. T. C. HORTON. Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS. Managing Editor ALAN S. PEARCE, Circulation Representative Contributing Editors DR. F. W. FARR DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER REV. WM. H. PIKE DR. A. C. DIXON CONTENTS Editorials:' The Prophetic Program (115), Rejecting God’s Word, the Root Sin (116), Specimens of Rank Infidelity (117), Scrip­ tural and Sensible (118), High Handed Apostasy (119), Peace Preachers (120), Helping Christ Out of a Hole (121) Bible Briefs— (123) Seventy Weeks of Daniel— By Walter Scott (125) Christ in Prophecy— By Ernest Diem (129) Who Will Be Anti-Christ?—By J. Charleton Steen (132) China, Band of Promise and Peril— By Dr. R. A. Torrey (134) Pre and Post Tribulation Appearances— By Dr. B. Broadbelt (142)

Lawlessness— By Chas. J. Waehlte (143) Is the Church the Bride?— By K. L. B. (145) Bible Institute in China— (148) Evangelistic Stories— (151) Sectarianism— By Howell Isaac (157) Homiletical Helps— (159) Bible Institute Happenings— (164) Notes on the Jews and Prophecy— (166) International Sunday School Bessons— (168) Daily Devotional Studies— By Dr. F. W. Farr (1.95)

Editorial Afterthoughts— By K. L. B. (202) Song— “ A Green Hill”— By F. S. Shepard (204) Good Books— (205) Subtlety of Spiritualism— By Mrs. J. B. Horton (207) What Can Be Done for Criminals?— By an ex-convict (210) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Office of The K in g’s Business, Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, 588- 558 South Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to Individuals connected w ith the Bible Institute. Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $ 1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A


MRS. LYMAN STEWART, Superintendent of the Bible Women of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. She has 25 trained women who conduct Bible classes in the homes and do personal work.



OUR PROPHETIC NUMBER “ Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20, 21.) “ And he said unto them. These are the words which 1 spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me.” (Luke 24:44.) “ Andi I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not; thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus; worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is .the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev. 19:10.)

THE PROPHETIC PROGRAM The Bible is God’s prophetic Blue Print. From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, you will find God’s plans and purposes concerning the children of men worked out in the most minute detail. Fundamental principles are laid down and the laws which are to govern those principles clearly defined. God’s purposes concern a ruined race and a cursed earth; His plan covers a period of seven thousand years for the present earth, and fixes the abiding place of the children of men through the eternal years. The design is the Father’s. The details are in the hands of His Son and of the Holy Spirit. Nearly six thousand years have passed, and, with Blue Print in hand, we have no difficulty in tracing the marvellous, minute ful­ fillment of every detail to date. The specifications include Heaven and earth, countries, cities, races, in­ dividuals, morals, blessings and cursings. Times and seasons are named. Individuals are named and described centuries before they are born, and their work assigned to them. There has never been found a single error in the working plans of the Blue Print. Neither pen, pencil nor eraser has ever marred it. Men have scoffed and have sought to make light of it, but it has not been changed. It was all settled in Heaven before it was given to earth. The details regarding His !Son who was to be born of a Virgin, the prophet who was to announce Him, the attitude of the king who was to seek to kill Him, the religious rulers who were to hate and crucify Him — are all there. Pictures of men like Paine and Ingersoll, Shailer Matthews, and other critics and deniers of the Blue Print, are shown. The condition of the


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S professing church is fully delineated, and world conditions today are graphi­ cally given. When they say “ Peace and safety,” look out for sudden de­ struction! Wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, are yet to come. Nothing is left out of the Blue Print that needs to be given to the chil- , dren of men. All facts, all details, all promises, all warnings, all exhorta­ tions, all pleadings, are there. Pity the poor devil-dupes who are seeking to deceive the people and destroy their faith. It is written: 9 “ Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together; who hath declared this from ancient times? who hath told it from that time? have not I the*f iS/Tn° God else beside m« ; » just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.” (Isa. 45:21.) I a m ' f 0rmer ¡ S t f * 0t ° ld: f° r 1 am God’ and there ls “ one else; i m tiocl and there is none like me. .. . Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things (Isa. 46“9, io !)d° ne’ Saymg’ My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure/’ l,h® time wUl come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their o\ra lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears- fa b le d (2 T ta / r t r «mir ears from the truth and shall be turned unto t . c . h ; thee from b ^ k i ^ ” the ^ S ’ hath ^ r e / e c t e d , fr f e ll 1Si an imPressive jesson for present-day people. Could anything p 1 1 f solemn as a word of warning from the lips of our Lord to the God-defying, God-denying, devil-delighting, so-called, “ divinity doctor?’ Thnrd H ?rriy e+v,sen nce’ “ Becausé thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord, He also hath rejected thee?” ' me Not for murder or arson; not for swearing or stealing; hot for neglect­ ing the Lord s Day ; but for rejecting God’s Word! S WiH men never learn? W ill history be meaningless to men? W ill exampie fail to furnish the lesson? To reject the Word is to reject Him- root sin, sending its shoots down deep into thé nature of man. Here is the response to Satan’s snare, “ Yea, hath God said?” relv- mg upon the reasoning powers of a Satanic nature, voicing their vain thoughts, telling the people what they think. Hath not God said, “ My thoughts are hot your thoughts •” and “ I hate vain thoughts;” and “ The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination unto the Lord ? They fail to remember that the Word says, “ Forever O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven.” Rejecting Hié Word is trifling with Jehovah Himself. Listen to the Son of God as He holds the Old Testament in His holy hands • “ For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one titUe shall In no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:18) The smallest letter in the Hebrew language is so important that’it plays its part m God s plan for a redeemed race; but the bold, brazen modernist Here is the REJECTING GOD’S WORD, the ROOT SIN idolatry0*" Because tholf 1 1 1 f e l and stubbornness is as iniquity and



with an effrontery that should shame the devil himself, assumes the power to enlighten God’s people about His mistakes! If mercy was ever manifested, it is in God’s forbearance toward these, the wickedest of sinners; and yet there is a sure word for these men to consider: “ What wilt thou say when He shall punish thee?” Every man and woman who has been misled by their teaching, hin­ dered from service by their teaching, both saints and sinners, will rise up to testify against them when the books are opened. T. C. H. P9%1 SPECIFIC SPECIMENS OF RANK INFIDELITY We are often accused of magnifying the conditions in our colleges and churches. As a matter of fact, the pages of this magazine could be filled each month with positive proof of the Satanic seed-sowing which is being carried on by infidels in church and school, but we have something else to do in our effort to establish men and women in the truth. However, the following facts are so pertinent that we give them to our readers as samples of the God-denying, Christ-rejecting, Spirit-grieving work so rampant to­ day. The following three paragraphs are taken from Enudsen’s “ Beacon Lights of Prophecy” : “ The best of the Hebrew prophets were like the whirlwind dervishes, going through bodily contortions until semi-conscious, when their mutterings and ex­ pressions were taken down by their followers and supposed to be predictions of the future. This is predictive prophecy. Possibly some clairvoyant faculty ex­ isted in some of them,’ ’ “ The book of Daniel belongs to that Apocalyptic literature of which there was a large lot in his age, the Maccabean period, all fanciful and fictitious.” “ ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ claimed by the prophets, is a psychological pheno­ menon of these men, never to be regarded as direct revelation from God.” The next three are from Rail’s “ New Testament History” “ Christ was not conscious of his Messiahship, nor called to it, until his bap­ tism by John.” “ Christ fully expected the Jewish people and rulers to accept him up to liis entry into Jerusalem at the last, and then changed his plan.” “ Christ then decided he must die for his views of the kingdom he came to found.” The third degree of “ threes” is from Prof. Wm . Newton Clarke’s “ The­ ology” : .flwM ■ ■. 7 . ' “ The Bible has many contradictions and inaccuracies, and never claims to be wholly inerrant.” “ It does not need inspiration of God if it is true, and inspiration would not avail for its contradictions and inaccuracies.” “ If God the Father freely forgives sinners, no atonement is necessary. If there is an atonement required, God does not freely forgive.” “ Zion’s Herald” says: “ We submit that these nine notions were regarded as blasphemous when Voltaire, Tom Paine and Ingersoll (an earlier trio of infidels) uttered them. W e challenge any believer in God’s Word to frame a definition of outright blasphemy which would not include them !” The three volumes from which these extracts are taken, are used in the Minister’s Course of Study of the Methodist Church, and approved by



a bare majority of the Board of Bishops. Please read them over carefully again and note the blasphemous treatment of God’s holy Word. Now think of these same bishops refusing to allow a premillennial student to be or­ dained, or a believer m the premillennial doctrine to preach in their pul­ pits ! 1 In other words, a man who believes in the verity of the Scriptures and has honest convictions concerning the Lord’s imminent return as taught bv scores of passages m the Old and New Testaments, cannot adorn a Metho­ dist pulpit; but a rank denier of God’s Word, trained in an infidel shop is received with open arms. l ’ ™ j -T+her+l - are I f i S H ¡ 1 thousands of godly Methodist people who re­ pudiate this ungodly position of the bishops, and who will, bye and bye indignation and change the course of study, although tlmy may be compelled to change the Board of Bishops. God speed the matter what the denomination, or who the men are. There inCoh 2 ^ 8 meSSage f ° r ^ and that iS the message of God’s Word as found JO: “ “ j' man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world" and not l e r S t ^ T. G. H. n SCRIPTURAL AND SENSIBLE life M l the VG-ry favorable signs of the times, in evangelical Christian of the S i ™erea®i:“« demand upon the part of believers for the preaching of the fundamental doctrines m our churches. This is logical. " The indwelling. Spirit of God, who is the Author of the Word puts a hunger m the heart for Bible truths. Nothing else, of course, S eve? satisfy this demand, and the true child of God turns away from the sooth- will n° ®®ctarian b loodin our veins,— we never have had and never • w A ’



sayers and seeks satisfaction wherever it may be found from the lips of the man of God. . This interest is being intensified through the conferences being held in all sections of the country,— Fundamental Conferences where proper emphasis is being given by great Bible teachers to the neglected truths of the Scriptures. Letters come from all directions praising God for this blessed work. In addition to this, Prophetic Associations are being formed through­ out the country bringing into close fellowship the evangelists, ministers and teachers of all denominations. ’ This is both Scriptural and sensible. “ How can two walk together except they be agreed?” Here a bond is created which strengthens and encourages those who have some real fighting to do, assuring them of fel­ lowship and prayer in this good work. , _ This is a good sign, and it is reasonable to believe that these associa­ tions will he multiplied as the days go by. The majority of the members of the evangelical churches are true believers, hut many have not been sufficiently indoctrinated in the great truths of the Scriptures to enable them to meet the subtle devices of Satan, and they need the encouragement and help which comes from association with those of a common faith. This fundamental teaching also encourages pastors to give more heed to expository preaching which always insures deeper interest in the Word of God. As an outgrowth of these fundamental gatherings, a large number of magazines— monthly and quarterly— of large and small dimensions— have sprung up and are being used of God to scatter the seed of the Word in all directions. V “ Birds of a feather flock together” and these “ birds of Paradise” are being brought into a new and holy fellowship, independent of denomina­ tional lines, which does not alter their loyalty to their own chosen church­ es. Thank God for this new type of real brotherhood! Pray for one S K f T. C. H. m m HIGH-HANDED APOSTASY A few weeks ago a churchmen’s congress was held in connection with an English college. The speakers in this gathering were men of wide repu­ tation and very liberal views. Their utterances in denial of the vital doc­ trines of time-honored Christianity were along the same lines as heard from liheralists in this country, and need not be repeated here. Quota­ tions from the speakers were widely published under startling headlines, for some editors seem to glory in the fact that modern scholarship is com­ ing to agree with men who have always ridiculed the Bible and Christianity. Here is one result of the scattering of these liberal opinions through the newspapers. The Buddhist Chronicle of Ceylon gets out a special issue. A large headline says, ‘ ‘ Christ not Divine '. Jesus a Palestinian Jew. A Blow from the Inside. ’’


THE K I N G ' ß B US I NE S S Underneath are the portraits of some of the theologians who aired their infidelity at the church congress. Then follow quotations of the most blasphemous nature to show that Christianity is at last crumbling into the dust. The Buddhist Chronicle says: “ We have the most highly-placed theologians denying the divinity of Jesus and thus shattering the founda­ tion of the church. What has the Christian missionary, who has misled our people, to say? Let Buddhists remember that theirs is a religion whose foundations cannot be shaken. Have the Christian missionaries left their homes because they have no work to do at home or because none will lis­ ten to them?” •What is the attitude of the Homan Catholic church to these things? A bishop, in a letter to the clergy, has the following to say : “ One’s pen almost refuses to transcribe the shocking attacks that Prot­ estant leaders are making on the person and work of our Savior. We can imagine what damage to souls must accrue from the broadcast dis­ semination of such teachings through the press‘ and from the pulpit and platform. To us Catholics they are of little moment, and so long as the Catholic education of our children is secured, will be of little danger. ’’ Such words, coming from a Catholic bishop, remind us of words once uttered by Mr.- Gladstone to the effect that the tendencies in Protestantism toward rationalism were such as to make one fear that in the not distant future the Roman Catholic church would aloné represent the Christian re­ ligion upon earth. And what a representation! We do not think it will come to that, for there are thousands of faithful men who will, if necessary, give their lives for the Gospel. “ The gates of hell” as Jesus said, “ shall not prevail” against the church. But meantime the confusion grows worse and worse. The editor of an exchange asks, “ What can be the result in the public mind when it sees such absolutely antagonistic teachings given by teachers of the same communion, except either great perplexity or a conviction that it does not matter what a man believes?” K. L. B. PEACE PREACHERS “ Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” The above text was popular among preachers when Woodrow W il­ son was urging his famous fourteen points upon the world’s peace confer­ ence. More recently it has been used in connection with the world’s dis­ armament conference and applied to President Harding and others. There are some who seem to find in these words Christ’s authority for the various political movements toward world peace. We are in favor of any step that will give even a temporary peace but we would seek to disillusion men who may be possessed with the thought that there is anything that will produce peace in human hearts other than the saving work of Jesus Christ. During the latter part of the world war Field Marshal Haig was credited with saying that “ the Gospel of Christ is the world’s only social hope and the sole promise of world peace. ”



Who are the peacemakers upon whom Jesus bestows His benediction; calling them the sons of God? Does He mean the mere composers of men’s quarrels in the world? We think not. This beatitude must be taken in its context and those who have carefully studied Matthew 5 know that the beatitudes follow in inspired order, each being the outgrowth of the one preceding. Christ’s peacemakers are those who have been trained by the experience of poverty of spirit, contrition for sin, the meekness of the spirit, hunger after the will of God, compassion and heart purity. These have peace with God and the peace of God. These go forth to diffuse peace of soul. These tell men of Christ who has “ made peace through the blood of His cross.” These expose themselves to ridicule and persecution a's Christ declares in the succeeding beatitude, for there has never been an Abel with his blood message without a Cain with his bitter hatred. There are two classes of peace preachers referred to in the Bible. In Jeremiah 6:13, 14 we read of those who preach “ Peace, peace; where there is no peace.” They vainly endeavor to “ heal the hurt of the people.” Ephesians 2 :17 tells us of the second class of peace preachers. These preach “ peace to them which were afar off.” They declare that through Christ “ we have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” Which of these two classes has done more to sweeten society: Moody’s Gospel message which brought thousands to God or W ilson’s fourteen points? (all good in themselves but having no Christ in them). J. Wilbur Chapman with his world-wide declaration of peace to those who would accept Christ, or Sam Gompfirs with his efforts to compose differences be­ tween men? We believe all will agree that there is but one kind of “ peace work” which wears. The world kicks because some devout Christians will not throw up their hats and shout for peace plans, as if these would heal the hurt of the world. This is exactly what Christ said the world would do to His peace-bringers whom He assured would have in heaven not only a reward but great reward (Matt. 5 :11, 12). The Christian who is winning souls is doing the permanent work and is the true peace preacher. K. L. B. HELPING CHRIST OUT OF A HOLE Some of our church leaders are devoting a large portion of their time to the.effort to answer the prayer of Jesus— the prayer “ that they may all be one; as thou; Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (Jno. 1 7 :21). Federation of churches is constantly proposed by these voices in Christen­ dom as the solution to this long unanswered prayer. Then why is it these leaders ignore the plain words of our Lord’s peti­ tion? The unity for which Christ prays is a vital UN ITY OF LIFE in Christ and in God. It is a prayer that is offered for “ those who shall believe on me through their word,” and He prays “ that they may be one IN U S .” This union is only in the Father and in the Son and is realized through the Holy Spirit dwelling in believers. It is not a mechanically organized unity



at all'-n 14 1S a ^ deration of organizations. Such a federation may exist regardless of the Holy Spirit and is usually built upon a compromise of the truth Such a church unity no doubt is coming, but it is not the unity or the body of Christ. It will be the devil’s counterfeit of the body of Christ and will consist of a conglomeration of people who have no opinions as to the inspiration of the Word of God. It will be a man-made thing It will come to its doom in the Great Tribulation. ,Le* us have wliat outward unity it is possible to have on the basis of the truth as it is given us in the inspired Word, but mark the fact that the priiyer of Christ is answered by SEPARATION not FEDERATION. ■ Ihe frequent appeals that are being made with a view to helping Christ *>,0le by ansT®rmg His Prayer, are largely camouflage. It is an- made theory 6 attempts j And a Scripture passage to help out a man- K. L. B. : .. . ............................................... ................................................. p..............* PROSTITUTION OF PULPITS Chria^an^thVfinoi6 °? ev®ry° lle who believes in the Godhead of I the fiaal authority of the Bible, to rise in indignant nrotes't H the *proganda.8of “rinrt th®£ ulpits and property of the Church for of tho Fafth d a f doctr.ln





Ex. 16:15. Manna is spoken of as the future food of the righteous (Rev. 2:17). The first four of the commandments in Ex. 20 have to do with man’s relation to God. Ex. 20:8 is the only commandment that begins with the word “ Remember.” Man as a seven-day clock. See Ex. 20:9. The only commandment with a prom­ ise attached, Ex. 20:12. Cf. Epli. 6:2. In Leviticus the Lord Himself speaks oftener than in any other book of the Bible. Contrast Num. 11:33, where a harm­ less food was made harmful, and 2 Kings 4:38-41, where a harmful food was made harmless. The blood of the sacrifice was “ sprinkled seven times”—Num. 19:4. Jesus’ blood flowed seven times— when scourged, the thorns, two hands, two feet, His side. “ Be sure your sin will find you out” —Num. 32:23— the one subject of fic­ tion. Christ drew from Deuteronomy, a book long disputed by the critics, all three texts which He used against Satan in the temptation (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-14). God “ divided the stars unto all na­ tions,” Deut. 4:19. This implies a round earth, for if it were a plane, all nations would see the same stars. See Isa. 40:22. The word “ faith” occurs but once in the Old Testament. See Deut. 32:20. Bible verses save from reverses. See Josh. 1:8. The words, “ as for me,” in Josh. 24: 15, connected with holy determination; in 1 Sam. 12:23, connected with inter-

Gen. 47:7. A notable meeting. The greatest monarch, the ablest statesman, the oldest saint. Don’t be a “ Reub.” See Gen. 49:3- 4. The word “ physicians” occurs eleven times in the Bible. See Gen. 50:2 for first. Genesis opens with man’s creation in a beautiful garden in Eden. Closes with man in a coffin in Egypt. Christ spent ten times as much time in retirement as He did in public ser­ vice, and even then, often retreated to the desert or the mountain. Ex. 3:5, The first mention of God’s holiness. It is connected with the first move for the redemption of His people. The title “ Jehovah” occurs but four times in the English Bible. In the origi­ nal it occurs 11,600 times, but is trans­ lated “ Lord.” First occurrence— Ex. 6:3. Ex. 12:46. “ Neither shall ye break a bone thereof,” a prophecy of the dis­ posal of the sacrifice of Jesus (Jno. 19: 36). The Roman form of punishment by crucifixion was adopted with the Jews just one year before the crucifix­ ion of Jesus. Thus God’s'hand is seen at work preparing for the fulfillment of the type. It is said that when the Passover lamb was roasted (Ex. 12:9) a spit was run through the lamb from head to tail and another through the shoulders. Thus a cross was formed on which the lamb hung while subjected to the fires. The first attitude of faith in the pres­ ence of trial— “ Stand still”— Ex. 14:13. Moses began and ended his career with a song. (Ex. 15:1; cf. Deut. 32, the song referred to in Rev. 15:3).



cession; in Ps. 17:15, connected with satisfaction. Seven apostasies are recorded in Judges. See 2:11; 3:7; 3:12; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; 13:1. Sisera (Judges 4:21) was the first of ten men in the Bible who died at the hands of women. John the Baptist was the last. Fire out of the rock (Judges 6:21). Water out of the rock (Ex. 17:6). Honey out of the rock (Ps. 81:16). True attitude of the Christian parent toward God— 1 Sam. 1:28. “His Anointed’’ (1 Sam. 2:10) is the first use of the name “ Messiah,” which means “ Anointed One.” The first occurrence in the Bible of the expression “ word of God” is in 1 Sam. 3:21. The only thing God forgets—Heb. 10:17. The best thing to do when one is angry. See 1 Sam. 15:11. The first mention of Bethlehem is in 1 Sam. 16:4. The last is in Jno. 7:42. The first record of the cremation of bodies. 1 Sam. 31:12. •The first record of a “ blue Monday.” See 1 Sam. 27:1. Jerusalem is mentioned 884 times in the Bible. Prophecy centers about it. The Gospel was first preached there. The longest prayer in the Bible is Solomon’s in 1 Kings 8. God serves two meals a day— I Kings 17 : 6 . 1 Kings 17:9. Elijah became the first prophet to the Gentiles. Christ’s only visit to a Gentile was in this same place, Zidon (Matt. 15:21). Two ways to boast— In yourself (Ps. 94 :4 ); In God (Ps. 44:8). THE RISE OF GREECE “ One of the remarkable changes go­ ing on is the enlarging of the territories and power of Greece. It is not long since Greece was a small country and

people. But since 1912 there has been a development that makes the Greece of today much larger in territory and population than at any time since its becoming a free nation in the last cen­ tury. This is of deep significance in view of the prophecies which deal with the part Greece is to play in the last days. The Book of Daniel makes clear reference to this future role of Greece. The importance of all this grows out of the fact that the ‘little horn’ of Daniel eight arises from the Greek divi­ sion of the ancient realm of Alexander the Great. This ‘little horn,’ we are convinced, is the Antichrist. This rise of Greece is preparing the way for the Antichrist, and so we see here another important sign of his near approach.” — Jewish Missionary Magazine. We have been watching Greece for several years now, and we agree with this writer that the political Antichrist will come out of that part of the Roman Empire which was Greece. We further believe the Antichrist will rise from the vicinity of the ancient city of Per- gamos, for the Bible says Satan’s throne'is there, (Rev. 2:13) and in Revelation 13:2 we read that Satan gives his throne to the Beast. Keep your eyes on Greece. Daniel 11:2.3 says the Beast will rise to world power with a small people. The faster Greece grows the nearer we approach the com­ ing of Antichrist. — Selected KEEP ME Keep me loving, keep me true; ! Keep me clean the whole day through; Keep me gentle, keep me sweet, Keep me humble at Thy feet. Keep my thoughts and actions right, Keep me, Father, through the night; Keep me watchful, lest I stray, Keep me faithful, day by day.

Carlin F. Ellis.

The Seleni)) Weeks of Daniel^ of the 490 Years Prophesied by From “ Palestine Restored” By WALTER SCOTT The Placing Daniel.

has lasted for nigh two thousand years, occurs between the close of the sixty- ninth week and the opening of the seventieth; and, further, that t h e prophecy concerns Jerusalem and the Jewish people. The apostle had no need to write of times and seasons to Gentile Christians (1 Thess. 5 :1). This is not said to save the credit of the Word of God— it needs not the rude hand of men to prop up its foundations, or help to establish its imperishable and everlasting truths—nor is it an attempt to get out of a difficulty, but the proph­ ecy itself clearly teaches a long gap or interval between the last two weeks. The Prophecy in Full. We will transcribe the words of the prophecy in full (Dan. 9:24-27), adding a word here and there of explanation: “ Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (the Jews), and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for in­ iquity, and to bring in everlasting right­ eousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know, therefore, and understand, that from the going forth of the command­ ment to restore and to build Jerusalem (Neh. 2), unto the Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks (49 years), and three-score and two weeks (434 years); the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. (See books of Nehemiah and Ezra.) And after three-score and two weeks (in ad­ dition to the seven) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people (the Romans) of the Prince that shall come (little horn of chap. 7) shall

OME time ago we got into conversation with an intelli­ gent Roman Catholic priest. He was evidently a man of ob­

servation and culture. Soon the con­ versation turned upon the state of the Jews in foreign lands, and we asked our friend, who had travelled extensive­ ly, if he could account for the amount of unbelief so prevalent amongst that people. “ Oh, yes,” he said, “ I can. Many of the Jews treat their own Scriptures with contempt, and are practically A- theists or Deists, because they believe that the God of their fathers has fail­ ed them; has been untrue to His Word.” “ Indeed!” we answered, greatly sur­ prised: “ how do they make that out?” “Well,” he replied, “ they speak of a prophecy in . Daniel of seventy weeks, at the close of which their Messiah would come and bring in a period of blessing and glory, and establish them in their own land as the head amongst the nations; now the seventy weeks of years have run out long since, and their blessing is as far off as ever. Hence they doubt their own Scriptures; and, further, say their fathers’ God has fail­ ed them.” “ What a striking confirmation of God’s Word,” we replied, “ for even un­ to this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart.” The truth is, that the mass of Jews and Christians err alike in the under­ standing of this celebrated prophecy. The mistake lies in not perceiving that the last or seventieth week is yet fu­ ture, and that a long time, one which



destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the temple, both accom­ plished A. D. 70), and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he (the Roman Prince to come) shall confirm the ( “ a” ) covenant with man (“ the man,” i. e., the mass of the people) for one week, (seven years); and in the midst of the week he (the Prince) shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the over­ spreading of abominations (idolatry) he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” (i.e., the desolator). To Whom Does the Prophecy Refer? To Christians or Jews? To the lat­ ter undoubtedly. Daniel’s people are the Jews, and Daniel’s city is Jerusa­ lem. The Jews and Jerusalem are the subjects of the prophecy (v. 24). In a letter received a few years ago from one of the most distinguished students of the prophetic Word, he urged the writer to study carefully the celebrated prophecy of the seventy years, as he regarded them as “ the key to all proph­ ecy.” The futurity of the seventieth week, and the latter half of it variously spoken of as forty-two months; 1260 days, time, times, and half a time; that solemn period referred to in the central part of the Apocalypse, are pro­ foundly interesting, and absolutely needful to understand if the prophecies are to be Scripturally apprehended. Within these seventy weeks, or 490 years, the prophetic program is map­ ped out. Are the weeks periods of days or years? All competent Hebraists hold that the “ w e e k ” simply denotes “ seven,” whether of days or years or other denomination of time, must be learned from the context, the word it­ self does not determine. It is simply "seventy sevens.” Says the learned Tregelles: “ I retain the word ‘week’

for convenience’ sake, and not as im­ plying seven days to be the import of the Hebrew word.” That they are weeks of years is evident on the sur­ face of the prophecy. When Do They Begin? In chapter 10:2 we have weeks of days; in that before us weeks of years. But another important inquiry meets us. When did the seventy weeks or 490 years commence? We are inform­ ed that it was “ from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem.” Now, in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah we meet with several decrees, but only one in ref­ erence to the building of Jerusalem; the others refer to the temple. This special commandment or decree is that to which the prophecy refers, and will be found fully recorded in the last his­ torical book of the Old Testament, Nehemiah, chapter 2. This decree was promulgated in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, the king. Thus, then, we have the exact commencement of the seventy weeks— 445 B. ,C. The seventy weeks are divided into four unequal parts: 1. Seven weeks or 49 years, during which Jerusalem is rebuilt. . 2. Sixty-two weeks or 434 years, dated from the restoration of the city till Messiah the Prince (compare Zech. 9:9 with Matt. 21:5). 3. One week or seven years (v. 27), in which the coming prince of the Ro­ man people will league himself with the apostate nation then returned to Pales­ tine in unbelief. 4. “Midst of the week,” or three years and a half, during which the god­ ly Jews or remnant are given over to awful tribulation because of their re­ fusal to worship the Beast. This per­ iod is curtailed by seventeen days and a half (in all, exactly 1260 days, Rev. 12:6). The remaining days, seven­ teen and a half, needed to complete the


THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S three years and a half, is in accord with the Word of the Lord recorded in Mat­ thew 24:22, “ Except those days he shortened, there should no flesh he saved.” During these seventeen and a half days the vials are poured out in rapid succession on the Beast, i. e., the revived imperial power of Rome then apostate. Instead, therefore, of the great tribulation lasting 1277% days, exactly three years and a half, it is shortened to 1260 days. How exact is Scripture! How perfect is the Word of God! “ TELL Messiah the Prince.” The two first computations, i. e., 49 and 434 years added, make 482 years, or 69 weeks from the commandment to restore Jerusalem (Neh. 2) till “ Mes­ siah the Prince” (Matt. 21:1-10). What is meant by this latter expression has been a difficulty to some. The refer­ ence is undoubtedly to Christ; but is it to His birth, or His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Or to His death? Ob­ serve the terms of the prophecy. It concerns “ thy city,” that is Jerusalem, the city of the great King; it cannot, therefore, apply to His birth in Bethle­ hem; neither does it speak of His death as a victim for sin, for that comes after the completion of the sixty-ninth week and before' the opening of the seven­ tieth (v. 26). The prophecy refers to “ the Prince”—His royalty, not suffer­ ing. We are convinced, therefore, that the sublime prophetic sight afforded us six days before the Lord suffered, when amid the acclaim of the multitude He was hailed as King on His way to the holy city and as Son of David in Jerusa­ lem, is the fulfilment of “ till Messiah the Prince.” Observe, very carefully, that after the building of the city and “ after” Messiah had come and presented Him­ self to Israel according to Zechariah 9:9, which compare with Matthew 21:5, a period of 483 years, certain events

come in before the seventieth week opens. What are these events? They are plainly noted in verse 26 (Dan. 9 ); Messiah cut off; Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans,.and a time of desola­ tion “ determined” upon the city and people. The course, then, of the seven­ ty weeks was interrupted by. certain events happening between the sixty- ninth and the seventieth weeks. The whole ran on consecutively till the six­ ty-ninth had run its course, then comes a break, in which, amongst other things, Christ is cut off, and a lengthened per­ iod of desolation determined upon Ju­ dea. During this long and present desolation upon God’s ancient people the Church is being called out. Israel has been judicially set aside as God’s witness on earth, and the Gentile pro­ fessing body, the olive tree (Rom. 11), is now called in to occupy Israel’s place of public testimony (Rom. 11). When the Church is gathered Christ comes from Heaven and takes her to Himself, then to the Father’s house, and on to His kingdom and glory. The Long Break. Thus the long break between these last weeks is doubly characterised: (1) by Jerusalem’s utter desolation still go­ ing on, the subject of prophetic testi­ mony; (2) by the calling out of the Church, also going on, the subject of apostolic ministry. The long interval of grace is closed by the translation of the heavenly saints to the air (1 Thess. 4:17). The history of Christiani­ ty amongst the Gentiles is the subject of the Epistles and the Acts, and has its place during the parenthesis. When the interval closes, the seventieth week, or closing seven years, will commence with the prince (whose people, the Ro­ mans, destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70), making an alliance with the apostate part of the nation then re­ stored to the land and owning the Anti­ christ as prophet and king. The rela-

128 tion of this future week to the revived Roman Empire in its ten-kingdom form, and to Christendom and Judaism, is un­ folded from chapters 6 to 19 of the Apocalypse, but it is the last half of the week which is of absorbing interest, there being no account whatever of the first half. All denominations of proph­ etic time are based on the great proph­ ecy of the seventy weeks of years. The times of the Gentiles are not included in their scope. The seventy weeks con­ cern Jerusalem and the Jews. The lengthened period, one of grace to the Gentiles and of national degradation to the Jew, between the break with Israel and the resumption of historical deal­ ing is a parenthesis in the ways of God. Missionary in Roumania: “ A dear friend sent us a subscription for the K. B. We want you to know what a great blessing your magazine has been to us far away from all our dear friends. We are faith missionaries among the German-speaking people of this coun­ try. We are in a country where there are only two ministers who preach the true Gospel. Most of them question Christ’s atoning work and resurrection. You can understand what your blessed magazine means to us in such surround­ ings.” Missionary in Buenos Aires: “ There are religious rationalists in our section and some of us are determined to at­ tack their position for all we are worth and I feel that the K. B. is a great help to us. More power to the pens of the writers.” Missionary in China: “We are so glad your magazine has found its way to us in far off China. We are living in an evil age when it means something to stand and hold the fort. So many of God’s dear missionaries here are at» as» PEOPLE WHO APPRECIATE

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S drifting away from the clear Bible truths. May the Lord give grace and wisdom to the editors of the K. B. We are glad there is no poison in its pages. We are holding you up in prayer.” A Baptist editor: “ There are no ec­ clesiastical padlocks on your mouths and pens. The Lord give you increas­ ing boldness, for as never before it is needed.” A former atheist: “ Having turned from atheism to serve the true and living God I purposed in my heart to accept the whole Bible as my guide. Your magazine is strictly according to Scripture and so long as it is written on its present lines it is indispensable to me and X intend that the Sunday school of which I am now Superintend­ ent shall derive the benefits of its teach­ ings.” A LIFE-PLAN. “ Created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2 : 10 ). “ Created in Christ Jesus.” That means every child of God is a new crea­ tion in Christ Jesus. “ IJnto good works.” And that means every such child of God is created anew in Christ Jesus for a life of service. “Which God hath before \ordained.” That means God has laid the plan for this life of service in Christ Jesus, ages before we came into existence. “ That we should walk in them.” “Walk” is a practical word. And that means God’s great purpose of service for the lives of His children is not a mere fancy, but a practical reality, to be known and lived out in our present, work-day life. Therefore, all through this great text- runs the one supreme thought that God has a plan for every life in Christ Jesus. -—James H. McConkey.

Ckrist in tke O .T . Propkecies . ; z, A Paper Written" by a Student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles By ERNEST DIEM

Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Is. 9 :6 ), Light unto the Gentiles (Is. 49:1-6). Shep­ herd (Zech. 13-7), The Lord our Right­ eousness (Jer 23:6), The Branch (Zech. 6:12), The Prince (Dan. 9:25), the Son of man (Dan. 7:13) and The Holy One (Is. 49:7). IV. His Deity. Messiah is a DIVINE Being because He is called “ The Mighty God,” “ The Everlasting Father,” (Is. 9 :6). His go­ ings forth have been from of old, from everlasting (Mic. 5 :2). He is God. V. His Humanity. Though Deity is surely ascribed to Him, yet He is distinctly a human being as well, with all the limitations of hu­ manity, such as death (Dan. 9:25, 26), sorrow and heart-break (Is. 53). He shall come in humiliation, a root out of dry ground, void of personal beauty, comeliness or attractiveness. VI. His Character. He shall be anointed with the Spirit (Is. 61:1; 42’ 1) and shall do no vio­ lence, neither shall any deceit be in His mouth. He shall be gentle and kind, shall bind up the broken hearted (Is. 61:1) and shall be the delight of God (Is. 42:1, 3) in whom He will be glorified (Is. 49:3). He shall be cloth­ ed with humility (Zech. 9:9) and right­ eousness (Jer. 23:6). Indeed words fail when trying to pic­ ture the transcendent glory and beauty of His character. What a marvel that God could ever find words by which to tell of this Wonderful (Is. 9:6) One. Surely it would exhaust the vocabulary

HROUGHOUT tlie entire Old Testament Scriptures run two threads— one scarlet and the other purple. Here they burst

out into radiant glory, there they re­ cede into the delicately interwoven meshes of tapestry of Scripture, indis­ tinct yet never extinct. The scarlet thread, of course,leads to the cross, while the purple points on to the glory which shall follow. I. His Ancestry. His ancestry may be traced from Adam to Joseph, His supposed father, but we begin with Abraham to whom the promise was given concerning his seed (Gen. 12:3), Isaac (Gen. 21:2), Jacob (Gen. 25:26), Judah (Gen. 29: 35), Perez and Zerah (Gen. 38:27-30). Hezron, Ram, Amminadab (Ruth 4:19). Nahshon, Salmon (Ruth 4:20), Boaz, Obed, (Ruth 4:21) and Jesse (Ruth 4: 22; Isa. 11:10), David, (Ruth 4:22; Jer. 23:5) Solomon (2 Sam. 12:24), Re- hoboam (1 Chron. 3:10-16), Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Uzziah, Joth- am, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, (2 Kings 20:21) Amon, Josiah, Jeconiah (1 Chron. 3:15, 16), Shealtiel (1 Chron. 3:17, 19), Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eleazar Matthan, JacoD, Joseph, Jesus. H. His Birth. A messenger shall prepare His way and He shall be born of a virgin (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:13, 14) in Bethlehem, (Mi. .5:2) before the sceptre departs out of Judah (Gen. 49: 10). TIT. His Names and Titles. He shall be called Emmanuel (Isa.' 7:13, 14), Wonderful Counsellor, The



of heaven itself to say nothing of the limited and faulty speech of men. VII. His Personal Appearance. In contrast with the glory of His character He shall be without beauty of form (Is. 53) or charm of dress. He shall come riding upon an ass (Zech. 9 :9). The divine glory within shall be completely veiled under the vesture of His humiliation, but to gleam forth in His wondrous character and works from time to time. VIII. His Ministry. His ministry shall be universal, reach­ ing unto the uttermost parts of the earth (Is. 49:1-6). He shall be sent to bind up the broken hearted (Is. 61: 1), a servant to bring. Jacob again to Him and restore the desolations of Is­ rael, a light to the Gentiles, salvation unto the end of the earth (Is: 49:5, 6), and He shall rule the nations with a rod of iron. (Ps. 2 :9). IX. His Passion. A great deal of space is given in the Scriptures to prophecies concerning Messiah’s passion which are thus of great importance. He shall not die for Himself but for others, He shall bear the sins of many, having been punished in their stead (Is. 53:5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12; Dan. 9:26). It is our sins that shall be the cause of His suffering and death. (Is. 53:5, 8, 11, 13). He shall be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:12) and betrayed by a friend (Ps. 55:12-14; 41:9; Zech. 13: 6). The thirty pieces of silver shall be cast down in the House of the Lord and shall be given to the potter. (Zech. 11:13). When He, the Shepherd, is smitten, the sheep shall scatter. (Zech. 13:7). He shall be smitten and spit upon (Is. 50:6; 53:4) but shall stand dumb before His accusers (Is. 53:7). He shall be wounded and bruised (Is. 63:5) and though weak (Ps. 109:24) shall be put to death in some strange way which will require His hands and feet being pierced (Ps. 22:16; Zech.

12:10; 13:6) and which will expose His body to the gaze of His assassins. He shall be numbered with the trans­ gressors (Is. 53:12) and shall pray for His persecutors (Is. 53:12). The people shall shake their heads at Him (Ps. 109:25) and ridicule and revile Him, saying, “ He trusted in the Lord that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, seeing He delighted in Him” (Ps. 22:8). The people shall be astonished (Ps. 22:17; Is. 52:14). His garments shall be parted but for His vesture they shall cast lots (Ps. 22: 18). He shall say, “ My God! My God! Why hast Thou forsaken me?” (Ps 22: 1 ). Exactly seven weeks (7x7 years or 49 years) and three score and two weeks (62x7 years or 434 years) or total of 483 years after the command to restore and build Jerusalem was given Messiah shall come (Dan. 9:25, 26) and shall be cut off. Gall and vinegar shall be given Him to quench His consuming thirst (Ps. 69:21) while His friends shall stand a- far off (Ps. 38:11). He shall commit Himself to God (Ps. 31:5). His heart shall be broken (Ps. 22:14) but not His bones. (Ps. 34:20). Then His side shall be pierced (Zech. 12:10). Dark­ ness shall be 'over the land (Amos 8:9) and He shall be buried in a rich man’s tomb. (Is. 53:9). X. His Resurrection. After death He shall go to. Tartarus (hell) but shall not remain there. In the grave His body shall not be corrupt­ ed while His Spirit is in hell. (Ps. 16: 10). He shall be exalted (Is. 52:13 1 at the right hand of God where He will remain until His enemies are overcome (Ps. 110:1). XI. His Mediatorial Priesthood. He shall be a Kingly Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek (Ps. 110:4), bearing the glory as He shall sit and rule upon His throne. (Zech. 6:12, 13.)

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