King's Business - 1922-02

Th e Christian Calendar for 19 22 is the ideal “ Scripture Text** Calendar for either office or home use.

The cover design for this year is a particularly well executed four color reproduction of Hoffman’s famous painting of Jesus in the Temple. Not a gaudy chromo but chaste and beau­ tiful. Each monthly calendar is on a separate page 9% x 16% and each is headed by a beautiful sepia duotone Biblical picture by some well known artist. The date figures are large and distinct— easily read across an ordi­ nary room. The Scripture texts are well «elected and contain a helpful thought for every day. The Sunday dates are distinct as to size, shape and color of the figures and show besides the Sunday School Lesson and its Golden Text for that day.

The C h r i s t i a n “ Scripture Text** Calendar for 1922 is not only the handsomest calendar on the market this year, but it is by far the cheapest of all similar calendars. While the price of all others range from thirty cents to thirtjy-five cents each, our price has not been raised and we will continue to supply the Christian Calendar as follows: 1 to 3 5 for 25 for 100 for i .25 each 1.00 4.75 17.00 These prices are cash with order. Postage prepaid to any place on earth. Those who had the Christian Calendar last year will surely want it again this year. Buy them to put in prominent places for a testimony. Be sure to at least buy one to hang on the office wall of your lawyer, your dentist and your doctor.

Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D.

Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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