King's Business - 1922-02

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S termed a heretic by the enemies of the Gospel, seems especially appropriate. It follows: “ It is no new thing for the right way of worshipping God to be called heresy and for the best of God’s servants to be stigmatized and run down as sectarian. Let us never be driven off from the Bible way by its being put into an ill name, for true and pure Christianity is never the worse, nor to be the worse thought of for its being called heresy, no, not though- it be called so by the high priest and the elders.” TRACTS TELL. George Muller had an unfailing confi­ dence in the evangelizing power of tracts. Through his ministry more than ninety millions of pamphlets and tracts were sent forth, in which was plainly shown the plan of salvation. His evangelistic crusade through the print­


ed page was accompanied by constant believing prayer. Mr. Muller believed that if God gave His blessing even one tract used by Him might become the means of great spiritual awakening. “ The circulation of tracts,” he said,, “ is especially a work of faith, as re­ gards the seeing of fruit; hut if you commit the whole to God, in believing, persevering prayer, then, though you shall not see much fruit you will yet reap abundantly at the appearing of the Lord Jesus.” Mr Muller said that at least once each day for more than forty years he had sought the blessing of God on his tract and book distribution, in be­ lieving, expecting prayer. Faith and prayer hack of the printed Gospel is hound to result in a spiritual harvest.

o f the K. B.?

LOOK HERE Young Christian Ask Yourself These Questions: iiiHiitiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiuiiiimutttmiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHHiiiiiiniJimHHiiimiunmiiuiuiiiiiHiuiiHHiiiiiimiiHiiunimHHiiHimmiHiimniiiiiHtiiiiiiiftiiiin F IRST . Am I Growing in my Christian Life ? SECOND . Am I better acquainted with God’s Word than the day I became a Christian ? TH IRD . Am I pointing others to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world? If you cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, something is wrong We can help you. Write for full information, regarding BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES to Secretary Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

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