King's Business - 1922-02



JESUS, THE PROPHET, PRIEST, KING This remarkable series of sermons— regarded by many as the best ever preached by Dr. Torrey— give a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ which is unique, taking up the pro­ phetic aspect from the Old Testament, including His incarnation, crucifixion a n d resurrection. T h e priestly aspect of our Lord during the present dispen­ sation. The kingly aspect setting forth . His reign during the millennial per­ iod. Paper, 35c; Cloth, 65c

THE GOSPEL AND ITS MINISTRY By SIR ROBERT ANDER­ SON This book is a real hand­ book of Evangelical faith. No better book has yet been written in defense of the great fundamental doc­ trines of the Christian re­ ligion. The chapters on the Godhood of God, the Cross, the Atonement, the Spirit’s work, etc., are in­ comparably great. It is a book you need to have handy in these days when so many are departing from the faith. Price 25c postpaid (paper)

144 pages of Bible facts and information—a sub­ ject to a page—-so ar­ ranged that the Sunday School teacher and Chris­ tian worker can answer any question of belief or doctrine or refute all the “ isms” and false religions in the very words of the Scripture. It furnishes an equipment for every serv­ ice-—thoroughly furnishing YOU for every good work. Vest pocket size. Send 25c for a copy today

STUDIES IN THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD By DR. R. A. TORREY This book is without doubt the best aid, to Bible study in the life of the Saviour that has ever been written. It is so formed as to make the student do his own search­ ing of the Word, and one who has gone through this book thoroughly will have a splendid knowledge of the life of our Lord. Price $2.00 THE SUMMAR­ IZED BIBLE By KEITH L. BROOKS THE TWO GENEALOGIES OF JESUS By J. C, STILLION RANSACKING THE

SCRIPTURES By KEITH L. BROOKS This is a book which every , Christian should possess I and carry with them. It contains Bible Rules for Bible Study; al- phabetical arrangement of important Bible chapters; number of chapters in each book; key» note of each book; key verse of each book;, Christ in each book; outward divisions o f, the Bible;, spiritual conclusion of. each book; imp’ortant facts about, the Bible; dis- pensational d i v i s i o n s ; proofs of inspiration; index of all Bible events. It is a topical and alphabetical ar­ rangement of all Bible stories, enabling one to turn instantly without the use of a Concordance, to any. incident or important theme. Price 25c, Paper

This volume comprises a complete summary of the entire Bible, chapter by chapter. To every book there is given a key thought, a key verse, a conclusion, and of particu­ lar interest is the pointing out of how Christ is seen in each of' the Old Testa­ ment books as well as the New. Then each chapter is analyzed separately un­ der Contents, Characters, Key Word, String Verses, Striking Facts, the last often throwing a flood of spiritual light on the deep and sometimes o b s c u r e meaning of the chapter, Also gives a complete in­ dex of Bible events; an in­ dex of precious promises, and a calendar for reading the Bible through in one year. Price, Paper $1.25; Cloth $1.75

We are sure this is. _the book you have been look­ ing-for this long time. No one need ever ask why two genealogies— one in Matthew and one in Luke and so different—if they have this book at hand for reference. ’ For in it, you will find these two gen­ ealogies carefully examin­ ed—all the light, of. Scrip­ ture being thrown upon them—-their p o i n t s of agreement noted and •the reasons given—r-their points of disagreement are also pointed out and so thor­ oughly explained that you will never again be puzzled over them. This is just the book to help' you si­ lence the skeptical unbe­ liever. Paper, 25c If books are to come by mail, add 10% for postage, unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D.


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