King's Business - 1922-02

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1 New Bible Course I = Correspondence |



Prepared by KEITH L. BROOKS

;= A frequent complaint concerning Bible courses offered by “ correspondence is that they are too complicated for the ordinary §3£i,i‘jbeginner in Bible study. A simple course on essential doctrines has been the need. After some years o f experimenting WE | HAVE SUPPLIED THAT NEED. THE BIBLE BEGINNERS’ COURSE— No. 6, is now on the 5 presses and will be ready, we expect, by the time enrollments = begin to come in. This course will be offered with all the privi- 5 leges o f the Correspondence School, for the extraordinary price o f $2. There is nothing like it in print, and so far as we know, no real Bible course that can be bought at this price. E These studies are printed in loose-leaf form, punched for a ;| binder. THEY ARE NOT A COURSE OF READING. The 5 student is led directly to the pure stream o f the Word o f God. Scripture references are cited, suggestive statements partially E formed, and the student left to fill in blank spaces provided, after having personally studied the Scripture. THE TOPICS TAKEN UP are ( ! ) Inspiration of the Scriptures. S (2 ) Sin and Sinners. (3 ) The Savior. (4 ) Christ’ s Atoning Work; (5 ) Salvation. (6 ) The Believer’ s Position. (7 ) Believers as Witnesses. .'.S'.. (8 ) Rewards. (9 ) Sin in the Believer. (10) Prayer. (1 I) Spirit-Filled E Life. (12 ) Law and Grace. (13) Unfulfilled Prophecy Concerning 8 * 1 1 Christ. SEND FOR ENROLLMENT BLANK TODAY and start S these practical studies. You can’t invest $2 better. Questions jjj E concerning the lessons answered by the teacher o f the course. E BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES E : Secretary o f the Correspondence School. pStaateiBp stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin E

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