King's Business - 1922-02



who is to arise out of the apostasy, who shall neither be a Protestant nor a' Papist, neither Christian, Jew, nor heathen, who shall worship neither God, angel, nor saint; who will neither supplicate the invisible Majesty of Heaven nor fall down before an idol. He will magnify himself against every­ thing that is called God, or is worship­ ped; and with a bold flight of impiety soaring far above his precursors and types in the times of paganism,— the Sennacherdbs, the Nebuchadnezzars, the antichrists, and the heathen emperors, —will claim Divine honors to ,himself exclusively and consecrate an image of himself?” PEG AWAY At one point in Dr. Bangs’s ministry, lie beeame greatly discouraged, and at­ tempted to leave his work. A significant dream relieved him. He thought he was working with a pick-axe on the top of a basaltic rock. His muscular arm brought down stroke after stroke for hours; but the rock was hardly indented. He said to himself, at last, “ It is useless: I will pick no more.” Suddenly, a stranger of dig­ nified mien stood by his side, and thus spoke to him: “ You will pick no more?” “ No.” “ Were you not set to this task?” “ Yes.” “ And why abandon it?” “ My work is vain: I make no impression on the rock.” Solemnly the stranger replied: “ What is that to you? Your duty is to pick, whether the rock yields or not. Your work is in your own hands: the result is not. Work on!” He resumed his task. The first blow was given with almost superhuman force, and the rock flew into a thousand pieces. He awoke, returned to his work, and a great revival followed. From that day, he never had a temptation to give up his commission.—Stevens. §& sfe Help us send the K. B. to worthy missionaries.

went to his own place” (Acts 1:25). In reading this verse you must he struck with its terrible wording, “ He fell that he might go to his own place.” We have been reading of him as the son of perdition, and of the Beast we read, “ He ascendeth out of the abyss, and goes into perdition” (Rev. 17:8). I think as these Scriptures are carefully read it will- be seen that my suggestion of Judas as the Antichrist is supported by strong circumstantial evidence. If our deductions are correct, what an eternity for the betrayer of our Lord! Antichrist as a Man. The Antichrist will not be the hid­ eous monster outwardly that some are supposed to think. He will be a most attractive personage, with traits in his wonderful character that all earth, dwellers will admire and worship. He will be a king with universal domin­ ion, for we read, “ And there was given to him authority over every tribe, and people, and nation” (Rev. 13:7, R. V.), a greater kingdom than ever possessed by any of his predecessors. “ All king­ doms of this world,” which the true Messiah refused from its prince, he will accept. He will control all commerce, nationalize everything under his re­ gime, craft shall prosper, for we read of him through his policy also, “ He shall cause craft to prosper in his hand” (Dan. 8:25). All trade and commerce will be under State control, but he will dominate everything. By prosperity he shall destroy many. He will “ under­ stand dark sentences.” He is in league with the Dragon, and all his powers are supplied by him. Spiritism he will control and lead. No problem too difficult for him to solve, no question but what he will fully understand. A superman, for his number is 666. Note, not 777. He falls short of the per­ fection of Godhead. One has said of him: “ Antichrist is that son of perdition

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