King's Business - 1922-02

BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

STUDENTS—Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I., the compiler of these notes. A very blessed Alumni fellow ship m eet­ ing was held at the Bible Institute on Thursday evening, December 8th. Miss Martha Pohnert, who Is home on fu r­ lough from China, was one of the speak­ ers and told o f her w ork in a girls’ boarding school there. It was decided to have an annual day o f prayer, probably in March, culm inating in a fellow ship m eeting in the evening. On November 18th about 25 Bible In ­ stitute students gathered at the home of Mr. Harry O. Anderson, ’ 15, in Berkeley, Calif. The students o f the Bible Institute have forwarded to the American Bible Society, New York, the sum o f $113 to help on the w ork o f this society. James Beveridge, ’21, is studying at the Gordon Seminary, Boston, Mass. Miss Ethel Markley, ’20, who is one of the Institute Bible women, is teaching six Bible classes a week. Miss Edna Donner, ’20, is attending the Southern Branch of the University o f Cal­ ifornia, Los Angeles, and finds many op­ portunities to witness fo r the Lord there. Miss Minnie Sayre, ’19, reports great Joy in telling the story o f God’s love to the Jews in Los Angeles. Miss Elinor Mitchell, '16, finds a large and needy field among the Mexicans o f Los Angeles. She also has charge of the women’s work in the county Jail. W alter Subke, ’21 is attending Occidental College. Mr. and Mrs. W ill H, South announce the birth o f their daughter Freda Esther- lyn on Nov. 11, 1921. On December 5th Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pearce became the proud and happy par­ ents o f Jean Esther Pearce. * Miss Agnes Eltzen, '20, was married to Mr. Otto B. Reimer on Sunday, Novem ­ ber 27th, at the Mennonite Brethren Church, Reedley, Calif. Miss D orothy Thompson, ’19, is teaching three Bible classes in Spanish and taking special studies at the Friends’ Training School fo r Christian W orkers at Hunt­ ington Park, Calif. Mr. Arthur F. W itt, m issionary for the American Sunday School Union, writes o f the good results o f the evangelistic w ork done in the Placerville field last summer, by some o f the Bible Institute men. One hundred and six decisions for Christ were reported. A. N. Willems, ’20, w rites: ‘“ My soul is happy in Jesus.’ This song can be sung from m y heart, fo r truly, to be in the Lord’s w ill brings happiness. Most o f my time since June 1920 has been spent in evangelistic singing. During that time

many have confessed Christ as a personal Savior. A t present we (the Fishermen’s Club Quartette) are assisting in an evan­ gelistic effort in our home church. Praise God with us for unexpected results.” A. L. Groth, ’21 is attending the Univer­ sity o f Redlands, Calif. Mr. Oscar Zimmermann, in seamen’s w ork at Oakland, Calif., w rites: "The Lord has been with us in the move to this large port where we have gone in de­ pendence on Him, after many years spent in the w ork with the Institute. W e ex­ pect to make this city our headquarters and from there reach out to other ports, to be used o f Him to reach so many, many in all these places who are w ithout the Lord. H. H. Skeels, ’19 and J. A. Brillhart ’18 have closed their second m eeting in evangelistic work. They had 69 souls in the first meeting and 52 in the second, and are starting the third meeting. They need your prayers as the field is surely ripe, ready for the harvest and there are many adversaries. They are connected with the Western E vangelistic A ssocia- tion. 0 ; Cawker, »19 writes from Seminary Hill, Texas, as follow s: “I am still a student, though fo r the past seven months I have been in evangelistic w ork with a Baptist evangelist. We were in cam ­ paigns in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and hundreds were saved. God blessed our efforts beyond everything we had hoped for, praise H is dear name. Also had a good time from an altogether new view point, as I married a Texas girl September 3rd.” M. P. K irkorian, ’17, has been holding evangelistic meetings in eastern Pennsyl­ vania and reports many conversions. Mrs. C. G. Sailer (nee Mabel N ickel) ’13, Clarksdale, Arizona, says that The K ing’s Business is one o f her necessary w orking tools, and adds: "God has . , set­ tled me here in this little spot,' in a com fortable home which we have dedi­ cated to God and H is service. Our work lies principally in this little farm ing com - munity, in conducting a Sunday school and in a church service held w eekly in our home. We have a fine lot o f inter­ ested boys and girls, some of whom have been saved, and we are expecting more to be. Mr. Clarence H. Charlton, ’17, Is w ork ­ ing under the American Sunday School Union w ith headquarters in Berkeley. He has the Bay Field, which covers five coun­ ties. He has travelled 26,835 miles in the past three years, has visited many fam i­ lies, organized and reorganized many Sun­ day schools, preached etc. H. F. Fast, ’21, is w orkin g in a hospital in Salem, Oregon. He says that it is a great school for patience and affords a wonderful opportunity to tell the sick and dying o f the Savior.

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