King's Business - 1922-02



sees. (Cf. Luke 24:16; Jno' 20:14).— Bullinger. Those who fight against God are given up to delusion, not know­ ing that the true Christian has the power of the Creator on his side.— Sum. Bible. He smote them. Here we see God acting' according to the word of man. It is a wonderful thought that the infinite God is ready to do as we say, but God will not act ac­ cording to every man’s word. He acts according to our word when we act ac­ cording to His Word (Prov. 20:9).— Torrey. v. 19. I will bring you. They thought to make a prey of him but he made fools of them, played with them, so far was he from fearing them or any damage by them. He did not lie to them when he told them, “ This is not the city where Elisha is,” for he had now come out of the city and if they would see him they must go to another city, to which he would direct them. Those that fight against God and His prophets deceive themselves.—Henry. v. 20. And, behold. The worst de­ luded are the self deluded.— Bovee. In the midst of Samaria. Sin blinds the soul till nothing seems real and it leads one directly into the enemy’s camp.— ' Sel. v. 22. Shalt not smite them. The. spirit of Elisha on this occasion almost rose to the spirit of Him who said," It was said of them of old time, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say unto you, Love your enemies, forgive them that hate you, do good unto them that despitefully use you and persecute you.”— Exp. Bible. The best sort of revenge is not to be like him who did the injury.—An­ toninus. Taken with the sword. A difficult translation but probably means, “Couldst thou be justified in slaying with sword and bow those whom thou hast taken captive?” — Chr. Worker’s Com. Set bread before them. Kind­ ness produces its own image in men’s souls and a beautiful image it is. It shames them out of their sour, morose feelings. We have not yet begun to use kindness in such abundance as it should be used.— Pascal.

Dothan, and we are as helpless to cope with them as that frightened youth was. Any man who calmly reflects on the possibilities and certainties of his life will find abundant reason for a sinking heart. The true and only con­ queror or reasonable fear is still more reasonable trust.—Maclaren. H ow «¡hall we do? Fear is the ague of the soul, a passion man created for himself — for surely that cramp of nature could not dwell in the warm realm of glory. —Hill. v. 16. They that be with us. | God is with us (Rom. 8:31). Christ is with us (Matt. 28:20). The Spirit is with us (Jno. 14:16, 17). Angels are with us (Heb. 1:14). The providence of God is with us (Ps. 76:10). All creation is with us (Judges 5:20, 21; Rev. 12:16; 2 Sam. 18:8). All things are for us (Rom. 8:28).— S. & W. v. 17. Elisha prayed. The greatest kindness to the faint hearted is to pray for them.— Palmer. I pray thee. A good man’s intercession will still obtain spiritual vision for those who are spir­ itually blind. For many whom we love we may breathe Elisha’s prayer. Meyer. Open his eyes. Means to give that soul vision which the bodily mem­ bers can never behold. The horses and chariots of fire were the symbols of Jehovah’s presence and might.— Gray. He saw. We do not need more help than is already within reach, but we do need grace to see the things that are ireely given to us of God (Jno. 4: 10).—Devo. Com. A Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on his tiptoes.— Sel. Behold, the moun­ tain. As Christians we are to view things from the throne of God and not the plane of the world. We are to con­ sider not the resources of the enemy but the resources of God, not our weak­ ness but God’s strength.—Haldeman. Horses and chariots round about. This incident has been full of comfort to mil­ lions as a beautiful illustration of the truth that “ The hosts of God encamp around the dwellings of the Just. De­ liverance He affords to all who on His promise trust. Oh, make but trial of His love, experience will decide How blest are they and only they who in His truth confide.”— Farrar. v. 18. Smite with blindness. This word of blindness is found only in Gen. 19:11. It means to confound the eye­ sight so one does not know what he

Pictorial Questions. In what time does this lesson take place in Israel’s history?

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