Orange County Insight May 2023

Orange County Launches New Meeting Agenda Interface on County Website

By: Orange County Communications

This month, Orange County launched a new portal that enables users way to view meetings and their corresponding agendas on the County website using the CivicClerk® software. The Public Portal provides content such as event listings, quick access to published agendas and materials, and the ability to watch live streams or videos on - demand with media playback and search tools. CivicClerk® Public Portal is the main landing page where citizens can access agendas, meeting materials, minutes, and videos for the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. The refreshed experience provides an intuitive, easy - to - use platform for a seamless look throughout the website. Additionally, it provides enhanced mobile responsiveness to ensure all users receive the same experience, regardless of how they view the portal. Users can also search for meeting topics or terminology that will bring up attachments and agendas that contain a specific keyword. The upgrade comes with a calendar function, allowing people to search events/board/commission meetings by day, month, or year. “ It has a much better aesthetic and things are easier to find, ” Alyson Simpson, chief deputy clerk and administration office manager said. “ It allows people to use the event category drop down and single out a specific type of meeting. ”

This upgrade will make it easier for the public to be engaged in county government as a whole.

To find all meeting agendas, dates, times, and supporting documents, go to the Orange County website, scroll over the Government tab and then under Board of Supervisors click Agendas and Minutes. For additional information or questions please contact Alyson Simpson at or the Orange County Administration Office at (540) 672 - 3313.

Page 9 | May, 2023

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