Michael Throckmorton, fire marshal and assistant fire chief, said field trips like these are one of the most impactful moments for a child. “ I still remember when I was in kindergarten and the fire department showed up, ” Throckmorton said. “ Whoever their hero is going to be, you can definitely have an impact on someone ’ s life. ” What makes Orange County ’ s fire education special is the use of the fire safety trailer and providing the tools on how to respond to an emergency, stay calm, and get out. The children then visited the Sheriff ’ s Office where they got to see a “ suspect chase ” and bail out, where the K - 9 apprehended the “ suspect. ” This involves deputies going at a very high speed and stopping as close as they can get to the suspect. The K - 9 is then released and tackles the suspect. The Sheriff ’ s Office also brought tactical gear and answered questions about how the equipment is used. The children also received a visit from Safetypup® educated them on how to stay safe and protect themselves. The Sheriff ’ s Office also assists with public education through events such as Virginia Rules in our Schools, concealed carry classes, the Citizens ’ Police Academy, and the Youth Academy, a weeklong program in the summer. Interested in scheduling a tour at the Public Safety Building or an education session? Contact the County ’ s first responder agencies to learn about public education services at www.orangecountyva.gov Interested in taking a field trip to the Airport? Contact Paul Weber, airport operations manager, at pweber@orangecountyva.gov or (540) 672 - 2158.
Via Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office
Via Orange County Communications
Page 16 | May, 2023
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