Orange County Insight May 2023

Orange County Passes Budget for FY 2024

By: Orange County Communications

The Board of Supervisors adopted the FY2024 operating and capital budgets and corresponding tax rates at the April 25, 2023, regular meeting. To view the budget presentation, click here.

The budget is in compliance with the Board ’ s debt, Capital Improvement Project, and budget policies. Key budget drivers include: aligning with current market values for personal property, continuing operational funding for the volunteer fire and emergency services companies, continuing funding for apparatus replacements for volunteer fire and emergency services companies, adjusting staffing levels to ensure service levels continue, fund market adjustments to the class and compensation program, and adjusting selected fees to recover program costs and align with market conditions.

R. Mark Johnson Chairman District One Supervisor As in previous budgets, education, public safety, and debt service remain the top functions for expenditures across funds. Additionally, the Fire and EMS Fund supports several volunteer Fire and EMS apparatus replacements. Approved tax rates are noted in the table below.

County departments are encouraged to review their FY24 budgets in MUNIS by accessing the Next Year Budget Entry module or in Account Inquiry under FY24. Budget documents are also available on the County website here.

Contact Glenda Bradley, Deputy County Administrator, at with any questions regarding the FY24 budget.

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