T h e q u e s t io n was asked of Jonah, “Why hast thou done this?” He was supposed to be a servant of God and do things for God. When God told Jonah to go do some preaching, how ever, Jonah didn’t want to so he ran away. He ran off with his message. Jonah boarded a ship. A terrible storm arose and the men were exceed ingly afraid (Jonah 1:10). The sailors said to Jonah, “Why hast thou done this ?”, for the men knew he fled from the presence of the Lord. This is what I want to talk about. “Why have you done this?” Let me ask you, dear friends, why are you where you are and like you are? Do you hold anything against the Lord Jesus that keeps you from loving Him dearly? Why doesn’t He have your whole possession, your heart and your soul, and your mind? Are you afraid of being a fanatic? I know men that are fanatic about baseball and nobody finds fault with them. There are oth ers that are fanatical about travel but nobody finds fault with them. The only time I know of that anybody finds fault with a person being a fanatic is when he loves the Lord out and out. He’s a fanatic. Anybody that gives God His rightful place, the Holy Spir it His rightful place, and the Bible it’s rightful place is a fanatic. Do you know why that is? Because the human heart hates God and hates the things of God. My friend, are you running away from God? Why are you doing what you are doing? You go to church on Sunday morning, of course, but you’re glad to get away and get out to the golf course or take a ride through the country. The evening comes and al though the church is there, you’re not there, and although Wednesday comes, the church is there, but you’re not there. We ought to ask ourselves what is there in God’s glory and God’s grace that we don’t like. What do
you have against Christianity or against the Bible or against the Lord to be what you are? I’m sure a lot of you dear friends are not Christians at all. Well, why not? Can you give one reason why? Do you think that the things of God take pleasures away from you? In the best times of life the Lord Jesus is the One who satis fies the heart. I saw a banker one time writing out checks, $50,000, $110,000, $225,000 and I asked him if this was what he was enjoying. “Oh,” he says, “I do this to make a living, but my joy is to go down to the camp and give away Bibles to soldiers and talk to them about the Lord Jesus. That's my joy.” Well, what do you enjoy most? Do you have something that’s going to be good for you when everything else fails includ ing your money? I have a friend in business who had to declare bankruptcy. He was rejoic ing in a big job he had, when sud denly his entire business was wiped out. The rug was pulled out from under his feet, but that didn’t stop his loving the Lord. His heart wasn’t in his business; his heart was with his Lord — and so you tell me what you’re doing away from God. My precious friend, nothing in this wide world is going to suit your soul-heart except that which you can’t lose when you die. Don’t run away any longer? Throw yourself into the arms of Jesus. Only the Saviour can do any thing for you, so go to Him and trust your life to Him. Eternal reward* are given for what we do, not for what we talk about doing. * * * A bit of love is the only bit that will bridle the tongue. * * * A gossiper is like an old shoe on which the tongue never stays in place. * * * 14
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