Biola Broadcaster - 1965-12

QUESTIONS AND AN SW E R S with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. and Dr. Charles L. Lemberg, Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary

of the Holy Spirit, for God gives Him all to us. The real problem is how much we let the Spirit have of us. The more yielded we are to Him, the more He is able to use us in our daily lives all to His honor and glory. Q . San Mateo, Calif— “Will you please explain soul sleeping.” A. Soul sleeping is an erroneous view held by several cults. It has no Scrip­ tural basis whatsoever. Those who hold this view believe that when a person dies his soul or spirit goes to the grave with the body and remains in a state of suspended animation or “sleep” until the resurrection. The Bible gives clear evidence of the fact that when a believer dies his soul or spirit goes to be with Christ; “ab­ sent from the body, present with the Lord.” The testimony of our Lord in Luke 16:19-31 gives clear evidence as to what happens to the soul of the un­ believer at death. Q . Escondido, Calif. — “Why are the gifts in the seventh chapter of Num­ bers separated? Couldn’t they have been mentioned as one since they mean the same?” A. These gifts are those concerning the Tabernacle brought from the dif­ ferent princes of the 12 tribes. The answer is the same as why we find the specific tribes mentioned in Reve­ lation 7 concerning the 144,000 dur­ ing the Tribulation. The Holy Spirit 19

Q . Hayward, Calif. — “Is the unnamed woman of Luke 7:36 to SO, the wom­ an in John 12:3, and the woman in Mark 14:8 to 9, the Mary who was the sister of Martha and Lazarus?’’ A. None of those passages indicates a name. Whenever we find Mary men­ tioned, the sister of Martha and Laza­ rus, she is so indicated as Mary of Bethany. What may be confusing is that the margins in some Bibles have these passages all linked together. This woman, however, is called a sin­ ner. Mary of Bethany is never so des­ ignated. Q , Newton, Kan.— “Please explain why Acts, chapter two, is not for Chris­ tians today, when Acts 2:38 to 39 spe­ cifically states that the promises are for us? I Corinthians 10 also tells us what the gifts of the Holy Ghost are.” A. Who has said that Acts 2:38 and 39 are not for the church? The list of countries represented in this por­ tion indicates a reason for the par­ ticular outpouring of the Holy Spirit, It was for the purpose of preaching the Lord Jesus Christ in specific tongues which could be understood. In Acts 2:38 and 39 “the gift of the Holy Ghost” does not mean that these people were to "speak in tongues. The verse tells us that every child of God who accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour receives the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to indwell his life. The question isn’t how much we receive

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