Biola Broadcaster - 1965-12

part of the Old Testament law then he must keep it all. Otherwise it is invalid. We have a glorious liberty in Christ Jesus during this dispensation. Some people have oddly refused to save money for themselves. When they got too old to work they were left alone by children and friends and had to depend on the good graces of other Christians to keep them alive. This is more presumption than anything else. We are talking about prudence, not extravagance or hording. The Lord declared, “A man’s life consist­ e d not in the abundance of things which he possessed.” Too many peo­ ple today are foolishly “possessed” by their possessions. One need not seek to “keep up with the Jones’,” how­ ever, there is noding wrong in liv­ ing respectably. When we are faidfu l to the Lord He is certainly faithful to us. Q , West Vancouver, B.C. — “Would you please explain Matthew 22:12. I t has been confusing to me. How could any­ one get into heaven except through Christ the only door?” A. No one could get to heaven wid- out Christ (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). The portion about which you have asked is a parable which are earthly stories with a spiritual emphasis and meaning. Here then is a beautiful illustration of how one gets into d e presence of God. The only way one could get into the feast of the king was by a wedding garment. Eternal life is represented symbolically in this answer. God clothes us, not as Adam and Eve sought to hide d e ir sins by preparing something of their own making, but rather with the robes of Christ’s righteousness. Salvation is upon all, as a garment, who believe. Q . Phoenix, Ariz. — “Did the confusion of tongues at the tower of Babel mean that God destroyed the languag e spoken before that time giving people new languages?” A. No one knows what language or languages were used prior to that time. All we can say with a certainty

is that because of d e sinful pride and arrogance of d e people, confusion re­ sulted in the speaking of many differ­ ent languages. After a time, those who could understand one another be­ gan gravitating together. They drifted to all parts of the earth according to their various languages. Q . Providence, R.I. — “Was Luke a Jew or a Gentile?” A. This question has been debated in theological circles for a long time. Neither view can be definitely proved. You might want to consider Bomans 3:1, 2, and Colossians 4:10-14. This need not worry us, however, since the entire Bible has but one Audor, even the Holy Spirit Himself. Q . Denver, Colo. — “Is it wrong to swear if one is called to testify in court?” A. When referring to profanity it is wrong to swear, period! In court, how­ ever, the term has a different mean­ ing. It is the taking of an oath which is not wrong. An individual is simply declaring that before God he will tell

(Continued, from page 2) OTHER STATES

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