Biola Broadcaster - 1965-12

need, does not relieve the hearer from this duty of giving in for the teaching received. The kind of selfishness that marks many a community of profess­ ing Christians is in large measure re­ sponsible for the lack of spiritual growth in that community. If the gos­ pel of the grace of God was fully preached, and accepted in experience, this selfishness would be done away and the pathway opened for further growth and instruction. It is the gospel of the grace of God which guards against the exaltation of the flesh (6:11-15). Bringing in the law presupposes that the flesh is not wholly evil, but that there is in it something that can be made good, or made to do good. The cross of Christ, however, brings death to all the old nature whether good or bad, and leaves nothing to glory in save the grace of God. These false teach­ ers, not willing to suffer what the cross of Christ brings, would have the Galatian believers circumcised in order that the flesh might be exalted. Neither they themselves kept the law nor their devotees. They were, there­ fore, continually under the condemna­ tion of the law; yet they made a boast Pictured is Dr. Daniel Rose (center), faithful friends of Biota and Iona time member of tho school's Board of Directors. With him is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), Biota president, and Dr. Ray A. Myers, chairman of the Board. It is because of Mr. Rose's zeal and vision that a distinctive min­ istry has been carried on through the years to reach the Jewish people for the Lord Jesus Christ. A number of Biota students serve on a street team which ministers on busy Hollywood Boulevard every Saturday night seeking to reach spiritually needy people for Christ.

of what they did in the way of law keeping. A crowd of convicted crimi­ nals in jail because of their crimes and boasting of being law-abiding citi­ zens would be no more vain in their boasting than these legalists. The grace of God, by the cross of Christ, shuts out all boasting in the flesh and guards the believer from falling into that snare of Satan’s — exalting the flesh. It is the gospel of the grace of God which guards against walking dis­ orderly (6:15, 16). Nothing avails in Christ except the new creation, and as many as walk by this rule, the rule of the new creation, find peace. Walk­ ing under the rule of the law is al­ ways a disorderly walk, displeasing to God. The reason for this is that under the law there is only condemnation. Recognizing what the cross does in putting away all that the law can reach, and walking wholly in the new creation, which is outside of the sphere of the law, guards from such disorderly walking. Paul concludes the Epistle with a reference to the brands which he bore on his body, brands which proclaimed that he knew whereof he was speaking. While the false teachers might boast in the righteousness they had by the law, Paul would boast in the right­ eousness he had by Christ. Then follows the closing benedic­ tion : “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Amen.” * Those who pride themselves on being hardboiled are really only half-baked. *


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