Treatment Resources For Spanish-Speaking Clients
I n many parts of the country, there are a number of Spanish speaking drug and alcohol treatment programs. Regions such as the Southwest and Westcoast have many more choices for Spanish speakers looking for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. However, these specialized treatment programs are not a new concept, and have been in existence for more than 60 years. Clients enrolling in this type of program are often bi-lingual in Spanish and English. However, they choose a Spanish speaking treatment program because they feel comfortable speaking in Spanish. Other clients may choose this type of program because they speak very limited English or none at all. Alcohol and drug rehab centers that provide care to Spanish speakers will have all their resources in Spanish. This includes reading materials, questionnaires, counselors and group sessions. Programs for Spanish speakers are aware of the cultural diversity in the vocabulary between English and Spanish. Care is taken in choosing a skilled bi-lingual staff members and counselors.
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