8C — December 2023 — Year in Review 2023 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal
JUNE 2023 Blue Rock partners with Rockefeller, Glendale for 345,000 s/f warehouse SJP Properties and DEVCO announce plans to develop Phase II of HELIX in New Brunswick, NJ GREA sells 383-bed student housing property in Bethlehem, PA for $29,500,000 Horvath & Tremblay completes the sale of two Mid-Atlantic retail properties for $3,439,656 Bergman Real Estate Grou p announces new long term lease at 500 College Rd. East in Princeton Prestige Group’s Cohen orchestrates $22.2M refinance for two transactions in the Greater Philadelphia area Progress Capital’s Anderson secures acquisition loan for industrial business center in New Jersey JLL Capital Markets arranges the sale of the 90,945 s/f West Falls Plaza in Woodland Park, NJ Metz and Koons of Bussel Realty represent the property owner in 160,000 s/f lease Komitor and Deutchman of Lee & Associates NJ brokers commitment for Easton Coach Co. Diversified Properties brings UK-based fragrance company’s US headquarters to Montville, NJ Gebroe-Hammer Associates arranges Three Passaic County sales totaling $9.8M and 53 Units NAI DiLeo-Bram & Co. relocates HQ to 90 Woodbridge Center Drive Office Campus
Year in Review 2023
Dan Alderman NAI CIR
Ed Hutchinson H utchinson M echanical
Adam Zweibel H udson A tlantic R ealty
Marcy Gross S heldon G ross R ealty
James Ross NAI CIR
Jay White A pex R ealty A dvisory
Gregory Pettinaro Pettinaro
Rebecca Ting NAI M ertz
David Turley C ronheim M ortgage
Jonathan Morgan M organ P roperties
Peggy Ireland W hitesell C o .
Jack Shepley NAI CIR
William Gladstone NAI CIR
Anthony DeSenzo F irst B ank
Jonathan Epstein JTJ T ech
Dev Morris C ronheim M ortgage
Richard Burrow L angan E ngineering
Thomas Posavec L andmark C ommercial R ealty
Jason Grace L andmark C ommercial R ealty
Chuck Heller L andmark C ommercial R ealty
Barry Lefkowitz M eridian C apital G roup
Tesla Blood C ampbell C ommercial R eal E state
Ted Williams L andmark S cience & E ngineering
Katie Jacoby A nchor H ealth P rops .
Kent Doss A rray
Michael Nachtome M urray C onstruction
Eric Heller B ennett C ompanies
Robert Dick P recis E ngineering
Howard Applebaum C orporate A merica R ealty & A dvisors
David Hansel L ucern C apital P artners
Frank Forte L ucern C apital P artners
Brian Milberg S itex G roup
Andrew Merin C ushman & W akefield
Chad Burkhardt C enter S quare C apital
Brad Korman K orman C ommunities
Paulina Escobar CREATE
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