20C — December 2023 — Year in Review 2023 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal
Year in Review 2023
Jordan Shuey C ampbell
Sean Beuche M arcus & M illichap PA
Daniel Aviles M arcus & M illichap
Michael App THA C onsulting
Robert Barone P artner E ngineering and S cience , I nc
Agbesi Akpedonu PECO
Andrew Antognoli A nchor H ealth P roperties
Gary Brozowski K earny B ank
Andrew Bush C ooper U niversity H ealth C are
Justin Calta S aiber LLC
Michael Claisse S pencer S avings B ank
Bryan Oos T oll B rothers
Jeff Bower I nfiniti E nergy
Brian Berson P arkway C orporation
Jack Coll E migrant M ortgage
Liz Conroy I nfiniti E nergy
Fran Coyne JLL
Alex Craig IMC Construction
Mark Scott C ommercial M ortgage C apital
J onathan S chultz O nyx E quities LLC
Zach Solomon T he S olomon O rganization
Dennis Toft C hiesa S hahinian & G iantomasi
Rick Vanderbeck F irst I ndustrial R ealty T rust
Michael Wachs L inden L ane C apital P artners
Betty Friant K ay P roperties & I nvestments , LLC
Dave Gibbons E lberon D evelopment G roup
Adam Wildstein M eridian C apital G roup
Michael Staton T he C ommunity P reservation C orp .
Julie Herb V irtua H ealth
Anne Strauss-Wieder NJTPA
Jeremy Neuer JLL
Scott Perkins NAI J ames E. H anson
George Vallone H oboken B rownstone C o .
Ken Wood V erus
Russell Tepper M ill C reek R esidential
Chris Erb R usso D evelopment
Alison Tulio I ncenter T ax S olutions
Amy Williams I ncenter T ax S olutions
Andrew Forsyth P rologis
Jessica Fraser P rologis
Eric Goldberg S tark & S tark
Robert Nussbaum S aiber LLC
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