King's Business - 1962-10

ogist or professional counselor with superior professional skills. Thirdly, he must be a radiant, well-adjusted person himself with ability to counsel effectively. Fourthly, he must envis­ ion the field of Christian counseling as a godly mission and not just as an­ other professional job. Q. I presume that most of your cli­ ents are from Southern California. A. Yes, however, they do come from long distances as well. For example: Pennsylvania, Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Idaho. In addition, a number of missionaries have flown home from foreign fields to receive help. Q. What kinds of problems do people bring to you? A. A great variety. However, most problems fall within certain catagor- ies: Personality, depression, marriage, pre-marriage, teen-age, vocational, educational, sex, and a variety of children’s problems. Q. As you see it, what is the rela­ tionship of salvation and Christian growth to therapy at the Christian Center? A . This is a big question and it de­ serves much discussion. However, since we are limited in both time and space, may I say this: Human beings are not only physical beings and emotional beings; they are also spiritual beings. Whenever you try to help a person without taking into consideration physical or medical as­ pects, you are certainly not being scientific. Similarly, when you at­ tempt to help a person without tak­ ing spiritual aspects into considera- Dr. Narramore has opportunity to counsel with visitor to center.


Christian Counseling Center Opens

A Photographic Interview by the Editors

Tranquility of peaceful garden 'scene greets visitors to Pasadena center. Q. Needless to say, Dr. Narramore, I am very much impressed, as I am sure everyone is, with the beautiful decor of the Christian counseling cen­ ter. W ere you and Mrs. Narramore responsible for this? For thirteen years, since I joined the staff of the Los Angeles County Su­ perintendent of Schools as a psychol­ ogist, I have been burdened with the need for such a Center. Finally, God has given us a splendid staff and adequate facilities. We now have eight psychologists and professional counselors who are able to render serv­ ice to a large number of clients.

A. No, only partially. A Christian in­ terior decorator, Mr. John Winbrey, was listening to the radio one day and heard that we were going to move our national headquarters and the Christian Counseling Center to Pasa­ dena. Wanting to do something for the Lord, he phoned me and offered his services without charge. Q. Your offices for your radio and literature ministries are all here, aren’t they? A. Yes, and we are grateful to God for making this building at 35 South Raymond, Pasadena, available. It ac­ commodates the offices for all of our radio and literature ministries as well as the Christian Counseling Center. Q. What made you decide to estab­ lish a Christian Counseling Center? A. Because the need was so great.

Q. I understand, Dr. Narramore, that you receive no salary for either your radio work or for directing the Chris­ tian Counseling Center. Is this right? A. That’s right. In fact, that’s one rea­ son why we are able to keep the fees at a minimum. Q. How do you select your staff? What qualifications must they have? A. This, of course, is a difficult job, because there are only a few licensed psychologists in America who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ and who are fine students of the Word. First of all, a counselor must be an outstanding man of God with a thorough knowledge of the Bible. Sec­ ondly, he must be a licensed psychol­



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