King's Business - 1962-10

tion you are not being scientific. Therefore, it is imperative that people are saved through a personal rela­ tionship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and that they are living close to Him each day. This spiritual emphasis, however, is only part of therapy. Q. Would you explain, Dr. Narra- more, what procedures you generally follow in helping a client? A . Yes. First, the client has a friendly talk with the counselor to become ac­ quainted. Then, as the client is rea­ dy, he shares his problem or concern with the counselor. If indicated, ap­ propriate psychological tests are giv­ en. (Among our staff of eight, we are able to give almost any type of psy­ chological test.) If medical problems are ruled out, the client begins ther­ apy — that is, a series of counseling sessions. Q. Do you find that most people who come to the center are quite seriously disturbed? A . No, indeed. Many of the fine Christians who come to the Center have no problems at all. They come for evaluation and testing. Others come for a few sessions to discuss a loved one. Not long ago a lady came for in­ telligence and vocational tests. Her family was grown and she wanted to return to college to get her doctor’s degree, and she wanted to know, ac­ cording to scientific tests, in which field she should get her degree. Many parents bring their children for in­ telligence and achievement tests. Still others want to discuss future plans confidentially. Q. What about teen-agers? Do many of them come for counseling sessions? A. Yes, many high school and college students come for various reasons. In fact, I think that the thorough eval­ uation we make of young people, that is, the giving of intelligence tests, vo­ cational, tests, and aptitude tests fol­ lowed by counseling is one of the most important services we render. For just a small fee, a young per­ son can receive Christ-centered, sci­ entific guidance which can save him thousands of dollars as well as much heartache for a lifetime. I wish every young person in Southern California could come to the Center and have vocational and aptitude tests. Q. Do you have any medical doctors on your staff? A . No, but we do maintain a close liaison with Christian physicians in

Dr. Narramore discusses a case with counselor M r. Jon

Every inquiry is given personal attention at the Christian Counseling Center. Dr. Narramore checks correspondence with secretary.

the area and with other specialists as well. Q. Do you have any plans for offer­ ing training to Christian leaders? A . Yes, in fact, we are offering semi­ nars of 4 weeks’ duration (Monday afternoons) throughout the year. Our conference room accommodates about 60, so we are able to enroll approxi­ mately that number for each series of seminars. Pastors who are interested may call the Center. Q. But your various staff members are available to speak at churches, are they not? A . Oh, yes. They speak to men’s and women’s groups, teachers’ groups, young people’s groups and married couples’ groups. These meetings may be single ones, or they may be in a series of three or four. Our counselors have two objectives when they come to local churches: (1) To instruct, and (2) To inspire. In most cases, before a staff member goes to a local church, he shares his plans with the staff, and the entire group of psychologists pool their ideas.

Q. I presume you welcome visitors. A . Yes, we do. We are eager that Christians visit the Center. Day or night there is someone ready to show visitors around. We have but one pur­ pose —- to serve the Lord Jesus Christ! Being open from 9:00 A.M . to 9:00 P.M . Monday through Friday the counseling schedule accommodates many.



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