The heroic struggle for Christ in the savage island of New Guinea By RUSSELL T. HITT Editor of Eternity and author of the bestseller J u n g l e P il o t 16 pages of documentary photographs
So many requests have come for in formation on the “Black Muslims ” cult that I reproduce the statement of Sheriff Peter J. Pitchcss of Los An geles County as it appeared in the Star News, the official publication of the Sheriff’s Relief Assn. It is used by the kind permission of Sheriff Pit- chess. D u r i n g t h e p a s t several years, I have been asked many times about an organization called the “ Na tion of Islam.” I receive a number of letters asking this same thing. Let me clarify the position of law enforce ment, and tell you what you should know and be aware of, when you hear about the “Nation of Islam,” or the “Muslims of Islam,” or just “Mus lims.” Many civic leaders have conscien tiously avoided discussing this group, because its membership is Negro. I have made it a point to talk with scores of leaders from the Negro com munity here in this Los Angeles area. They are just as eager as are we in law enforcement, to expose the Nation of Islam for what it is. They con demn it. They completely disassoci ate themselves from it. The Muslims aren’t new. Since 1934, the leader has been Elijah Poole, who calls himself Elijah Mohammed, the “ Prophet of Islam in the United States.” Members must be Negro, and they profess to swear allegiance to Allah and the MOSLEM religion. Don’t be taken in by this claim. Mus lims are not legitimate members of the well recognized MOSLEM faith. The Muslims claim that Negroes are not United States citizens. The inner circle, known as the “ Fruit of Islam,” has an almost fa natical hatred of any Caucasians. It might be compared to Adolph Hitler’s violent hatred of the Jews. There does not appear to be a di rect tie between the Muslims and the Communist party. Still, the teachings of this so-called Nation of Islam rep resent a very real national threat. Members of the group play into the hands of the Reds, who greatly enjoy seeing us pit any group against an other group, or race against race! Let me tell you some of the beliefs of this cult; First, they claim that all Negroes
• A. t h r i l l i n g account of intrepid Christian missionaries, who daily risk their lives to teach the “ Jesus way” to Stone Age tribesmen who practice: • cannibalism •wife-stealing • barbaric funeral rites * constant warfare • orgiastic feasts “ In all the wide world of Christian missionary enterprise, there is surely no project more fascinating in its inception or more thrilling in its results than that being carried on in the fabulous interior of Dutch New Guinea. . . a mov ing account of this Christian mission written by one who spent weeks on scene.” — C l a r e n c e W. H a l l , Senior Editor, Reader’s Digest “ Rarely have I read a book with missionary emphasis which has stirred and challenged my heart as has CANNIBAL VALLEY . . . utterly captivating and soul-stirring.” — T e d W. E n g s t r o m , President, Youth for Christ. $3.95 Other Harper Missionary Classics By RUSSELL T. HITT JUNGLE PILOT— “It is evident from Nate Saint’s experience that God speaks to young men today, guides them in their careers, and even requires from them full measure of devotion in martyrdom.”— H arold J. O ckenga $3.76 By ELISABETH ELLIOT THE SAVAGE MY KINSMAN —“ Photojournalism at its very best.. . . Face to face with life in a primitive culture, Betty Elliot thinks aloud about the basic issues of what it means to be a Christian in any culture.” — Eternity $5.95 THROUGH GATES OF SPLENDOR— “Skillfully written, fast-moving...more than just a book; it is a spiritual experience.”— Christianity Today $3.95 SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY— “It would have been a tragedy not to publicize the earnest soul-searching memoirs of Jim Elliot.”—S. H. S outherland . $3.95 By ETHEL EMILY WALLIS THE DAYUMA STORY— “The best account I have ever read, carefully documented, of the precise way in which the Gospel changes a group from madness to peace.” —K enneth L. P ike $3.95 By FRANK and MARIE DROWN MISSION TO THE HEAD-HUNTERS —“The ministry of Frank and Marie Drown is not only as thrilling as any novel but is factual, challenging and refreshing.” —D on P. S hidler $3.95 At your bookstore HARPER & ROW , Publishers * New York 16
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