King's Business - 1962-10


Rescue a bewildered child from des­ pair and tragedy. You can for only $8 a month—just 26 pennies a day—and find a great blessing. As sponsor you will provide loving Christian care, shelter, clothing, food and all necessities, includ­ ing cost of school tuition, for the child you select. Choose one of the orphans pictured here, all of whom have heartbreaking stories. The father of one, No. C-5, Bang Jung Ae, died when the girl was three years old. Her mother abandoned her, forcing her to beg and sleep in sheds and doorways until finally she was brought to our New Zion Orphanage. The father of Yoo Sung Koo, No. C-8, died when the child was less than a year old. His mother cared for him as long as she could and then deserted him. He was brought to one of our orphanages by the Social Affairs Section when they found him wandering the streets and begging.

r1pHE counselor was confident and -1- poised as she sat down beside an inquirer in the counseling room. She introduced herself in a friendly and gracious manner. Because she wa3' at ease, this helped the inquirer to be relaxed and responsive. This counselor, although still in her teens, had good reasons for her as­ surance and optimism. She had a per­ sonal commission from God to act in His behalf in counseling an inquirer in matters of personal salvation. “ Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” (II Cor. 5:20) She was not representing herself, or a church or organization; she was conscious of acting for another — not for herself. It was God Himself who had commissioned her She did not preach a sermonette on salvation or argue with the inquirer. She was not representing her own point of view. She was speaking for Him, her Lord. She used His words from His Book, of which she had a good understanding. The answers to the problems of the inquirer were in the Book. The counselor knew where to find the answer. She re­ lied upon God’s Word, knowing the promise, “My Word shall not return unto me void.” “ . . . Thy Word is truth.” She was conscious of not being alone with this anxious inquirer. Someone was by her side who had promised, “ . . . I will never leave thee nor for­ sake thee.” She relied on His prom­ ise to send the Holy Spirit, the Com­ forter, to direct and teach those who are witnessing for Him. “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, com­ paring spiritual things with spiri­ tual.” (I Cor. 2:13). This was her solid source of confidence and assur­ ance, not self-reliance, but in Him. The results were not her responsi­ bility. Her responsibility was to rely on Him and His Word. She was alert tu follow the direction of the Holy Spirit and trust Him for the results. Yes, the results were in an inquirer finding assurance of new life in Christ. Her confidence was in Him.

Korea's Beggar Boys in Pathetic State Many who roamed the streets in rags, begging or stealing food, homeless and destitute, are being picked up by the au­ thorities and sent to us. In our Homes their lives will be

changed. One sponsor writes, “Your reports thrill us and we tell everybody about our orphans. They write such good letters. Our beggar boy in Bethany Home, who started from scratch just three or four years ago, won official commendation in his school of 1000 students — second prize. Best of all, he was saved a year ago.” Robert and Carrie Geary Help Train a Future Christian Leader in Korea There is great need for the Gospel in Korea. Our orphans study the Bible, pray and sing Christian songs daily, and are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Be a “ Daddy and Mommie” or “ Big Brother or Sister” to some otherwise forlorn orphan and help us build him up for Kingdom service. The orphan you select will know you as sponsor. You will receive your child’s picture, address and life history. Any letters or parcels sent will be acknowledged promptly in English. Sponsors are THRILLED and BLESSED by this personal contact. A friend or relative may share a sponsorship with you — only $4 each •*— or you may interest your church, Sunday School or other, group.

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N, INC. 7774 Irving Park Rd. Dept. K-102 Chicago 34, Illinois •------------------------CLIP A N D M A IL T O D A Y ------------------------1 □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. M y choice is Number ___ _________ If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor another similar child. I prefer a □ Boy, □ Girl. W ith God’s help I will send $8 a month to | your office. Please let me have m y child’s name, picture, address i and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ ---------------- ------- □ Please send folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Or­ phans.” Name ------------ --------------------------------------------- -----------— - — --------------------------- . Address ..................................................................- ---- ------------------------------------------------- | City .............................................................. Zone ............ State — ......—.......— -------- G ifts of any amount are welcom e. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-102, 7774 Irving Paric Rd., Chicago 34, III., Tel. 456-6116

The ESEA is caring for over 15,000 Korean or­ phans, children of lepers, deaf, dumb and blind chil­ dren and war widows’ children. Its work is wide­ ly known. The Korean government has given their highest honor to ESEA. It is registered with the Illinois Secy, of State and Internal Revenue Dept, of the U .S. Govt. Dedicated, conscientious, economical work through 10 years has produced wonderful and lasting results. More than 18 million meals are served each year in our 149 or­ phanages. Each one is a Christian institution with Bible believing staff and Board membefs. Sponsors are Urgently needed. Write or phone N O W !



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