King's Business - 1962-10


Favor ite T itles o f a G re a t B ib le Teacher L.S.CHAFER BOOKS TO BLESS AND INSPIRE

ment. In dealing with the pastor’s re­ lation to fraternal organizations, a clear-cut stand is lacking. Material that would be especially helpful to the pastor would be in the area of church finances, publicity, and the relation of the pastor’s wife to the church. The list of duties of the vari­ ous church officers would furnish the pastor much excellent material for in­ structing church officers. There are very good bibliographical lists on each subject. Teachers will find the book usable as a reference work of a text in pastoral work classes. The pages of the book are 8V& x 11 in elite type. 173 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $3.95. — Reviewed by Glenn O’Neal, Professor, Talbot Seminary. The Significance of Barth's Theology By Fred H. Klooster This work comprises the substance of three lectures delivered by the au­ thor shortly after returning from a year of study at Basel during which he participated in Barth’s academic activities “ an average of eight hours per week, for two semesters.” Following an introductory chapter giving the significance of Barth to our time, two key areas of his theolo­ gy are examined — the doctrines of Election and Reconciliation. The au­ thor purposes to be objective in the presentation and includes numerous citations from Barth’s Church Dogma­ tics. Following each chapter is a short evaluation based primarily upon the Reformed position. This was undoubt­ edly in keeping with the nature of the original audience of the lectures; however, a direct exegetical reply from Scriptures more in keeping with the author’s desire “ to evaluate Barth’s thought by . . . the Holy Scrip­ tures,” would perhaps have been more helpful for the general reader. Dr. Klooster finds himself “ in basic disagreement” with Barth’s theology. With evident firm footing in the Scriptural doctrines, he criticizes Barth’s concept of election “ with its universalistic tendencies: feeling that it. removes the urgency and signifi­ cance of the call to repentance and faith.” His doctrine of reconciliation

The Growing Storm By G. S. M. Walker

The author is to be commended for producing a volume of sufficient depth to interest the student of church history and at the same time inter­ esting enough to challenge the cas­ ual reader. This is not a church history book in the usual meaning of that term. It deals with outstanding people and movements rather than providing a continuous history of the church dur­ ing the years covered. There are, therefore, numerous areas where one might wish for further information, but, on the other hand, it makes for interesting reading. The absence of footnotes is under­ standable in the light of the author’s reason, but it is regrettable nonethe­ less. The bibliography also leaves much to be desired since the place and publisher have been ommitted. Many good things, however, may be said about this volume. The style is good and the book very readable; the presentation is lively and evokes continuous interest; many obscure facts concerning outstanding leaders are presented; and the author’s con­ clusions and generalizations are stim­ ulating. Not the least of the compli­ ments which may be paid the author is the fact that he is sympathetic with his subject and treats it with a friendly but accurate objectivity. 252 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids; $3.75. — Reviewed by James Chris­ tian, Dean, Biola College. A Manual of Pastoral Problems and Procedure By Lloyd M erle Perry and Edward John Lias In outline form, this work presents a comprehensive analysis of the work of the pastor. The difficulty in trying to cover all the facets of the pastoral ministry is that many questions are left unanswered. For instance, many would wonder about a “ healing serv­ ice” as a possible variation for an evening service. Also, the advice to the pastor in premarital counseling to “ leave out a discussion of sex” would provoke considerable disagree­

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