King's Business - 1962-10



A & M M ARKU S 6321 West Boulevard Los Angeles 43, California AXminster 5-8223


by Nelson S. Dilworth California State Senator, Retired

W h e n I w a s first elected to the Legislature in 1936, I was visited in the capital by a young student-minister I had met at home in Hemet. He had been em­ ployed to set up education cours­ es in Folsom Penitentiary, the maximum security institution of the California Correctional Sys­ tem where the more dangerous prisoners are placed. My friend anticipated extreme difficulty in securing instructors to come into the institution. To his amazement, and mine, he found adequate and competent instructors, some with doctorate degrees, in the Institution. He also made use of inmates who were experienced in school ad­ ministration. The whole set-up was providing great and unusual benefits for some 500 “ students.” But the young man was wor­ ried. He was depressed by finding some thirty of these men had at­ tended Sunday School in their youth, and he did not think that Sunday School boys should turn out this way. Nor did I. In my wakeful hours one night, I won­ dered, “Were they ‘sent to Sun­ day School’ or did the parents go along and the whole family par­ ticipate in Bible study?” I wrote to my friend at once. In a few days he came again to the capi­ tal, radiant with smiles. Not one of the inmates came from a home where the whole family went to­ gether to Sunday School or had prayer and Bible Study daily in their homes. The path from the home to Sunday School should be a path for two, father and son side-by- side, mother and daughter, arm- in-arm. The Word of God is quick and powerful and will accomplish that where unto God has sent it.

T R A I N I N G with P U R P O S E d i v e r s i f i e d . / d e c e l e r a t e d / a c c r e d i t e d NURSING

Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital Instructions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Examination and obtain the L V N Classes start in September and January. DENTISTRY

Four-month course. Approved by State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca-I tional and Professional Standards. 1 Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives training, in laboratory analysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set 'up a dispensary and . how to deal intelligently with/ common ailments. Classes start in January.

BIOLA SCHOOL OF M ISS IO N AR Y M ED IC IN E 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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