U N I O N G O S P E L . P R E S S UNIFORM GRADED "Christian Life Series" Union Gospel Press offers you unlimited Uniform Graded teacher-pupil aids.
"Go ye therefore and teach".
B Y A L T H E A S . M l L L E R “ ( T ^ h ! M a m a is sitting real close to Daddy! ” A giggle accompan ied this world-shaking announcement of my offspring, as we drove along the highway. “That’s where she ought to sit, kids,” sixteen-year-old Sharon sprang to Mother’s defense. “Too many wives don’t sit next to their husbands. Why is that?” “ In many cases this situation pre vails because both parties fail to keep the flame of delight burning for each other,” answered her father seriously. “ But,” he added, “Mother should not sit close to me out of a sense of duty, — a sort of ‘ought to’ compul sion.” “ Dad, you know what I mean,” Sharon sounded indignant, “Mama likes to do it!” “Yes, but suppose we have an acci dent because Mama is sitting so close to Daddy?” The question came from Mark at the rear of the station wagon. “Atta boy, Mark!” Dad laughed heartily. “ That’s pretty clear think ing. Remember this when you are older and going out on dates.” “ That will be the day!” exclaimed a wise older sister. “Yes, there is a tremendous change of ideas between 8 and 16,” Mother remarked. “ But in the meantime, while Mark is growing up, I’ll still sit close to Dad.” “ People will think you are not married. But I guess they will soon change their minds when they see all us kids.” This comment originated with 12-year-old Althea. “ Children are an interesting lot,” Mother mused. “ They are far more observant than we parents realize. Their concept of marriage develops from what they see and hear and ex perience under the parental roof. The parents’ ‘testimony’ of married love will live in years to come in the ideas and goals children learn and absorb from their environment. The vigor with which they will work to ‘make a go’ of their own marriages will be but a reflection of home training. All Christian parents should ‘sit close’ in each area of life.
Outstanding Interna tional Uniform I.esson helps in department- ally graded Quarter lies that are acclaimed to be a proven path way to better results by Sunday S c h o o l superintendents a n d teachers throughout America. All Union Gospel Press materials are enriched by at tractive illustrations and formats, as well as sound, true-to-the- Word lesson helps by consecrated writers. Visual teaching aids, story-telling t e c h- niques. expressional activities, and work books a c c e n t the teaching aim. All of these materials help pupils to retain Bible truths learned. “Take-home Papers” for the Beginner — Primary — Junior — Intermediate — Senior and Adults: “Die-cut Flanneigraoh L e s sons” f or Tiny Tot — Primary — Junior — in F U L L - C O L O R , E A S Y SNAP-OUT DIE-CUT DESIGN. Attractive! Also “Gos pel Herald” Semi monthly Christian family magazine, and “Gospel Herald A- bridged” ( A d u l t Weekly).
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