lations of the Bible. Must we as funda mental Christians be so belligerent in these matters? Mrs. R. D. McIntyre, Ventura, California. I have enjoyed THE KING’S BUSI NESS magazine for several years now. Each renewal time is a real time of test ing for me as it looks as though each year I will not he able to renew. But the Lord comes through and supplies me with enough money for another year. Praise Him! Each article fills a need in my life and at the right time. They have helped me to grow so much spiritually. Mrs. Doris Shields, Auburn, Washington I wish to renew my subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine. It is such marvelous spiritual food. God bless all of you for your wonderful ministry. You have no idea how many people are led to Christ and built up in the faith by listen ing to Christ speak through your yielded lives. Mrs. Helen Fortum, El Paso, Texas EXPRESSES APPRECIATION We are subscribers to THE KING’S BUSINESS and cannot tell you how much we enjoy the timely articles. With the widespread present-day apostasy, it is good to know of one more fundamental school that will not lower its standards to cater to whims and whams of modernists. We Christians all know that only God can lead us—not the N.C.C. nor liberal min isters. Please, Biola, never fail us who need true Bible teaching so desperately. God’s beautiful plans will be carried through, finally, and we must help Him by serv ing Him faithfully. Mrs. Ed Reynolds, San Diego, California This is just a letter to express my appre ciation of your magazine. I look forward to receiving it each month. I especially enjoy the editorials by Dr. Sutherland. Dr. Talbot’s Question Box is interesting also. God bless you all and your work for the Lord. Hugh R. Cawthon, Kennett, Missouri Every time I read our denominational magazines, I like THE KING’S BUSI NESS better. Thanks for sticking to what God said. Mrs. E. L. Kenyon, Los Angeles, California Your magazine is tremendous. We are so grateful to Dr. Sutherland and his arti cles warning against the new movement in fundamental circles. Thanks to my family and the articles my eyes were I was introduced to THE KING’S BUSINESS by the chaplain of the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School while a patient there. It is a wonderful maga zine and many of the articles have been a comfort to me. Thyra Sillan, Portland, Oregon opened. F. N. S.
THANK S FOR FREE FUND Many, many thanks for the “free-fund” subscription to KING’S BUSINESS. I look forward, month by month, for the very interesting “Message from the Editor” and have always derived great blessing from the timely comments and exhortations. BIOLA is greatly blessed of God to have a real man of God heading things up, especially in these days. Like other missionaries around the world, we find that we get out of touch with the various world situations that affect other Christians at home. Therefore THE KING’S BUSINESS and its timely, articles keeps us well-informed on the various problems experienced in the home land and the trend of thinking, etc. Thomas E. Northen, Jamaica, West Indies We have recently received your maga zine for the first time. We have thorough ly enjoyed it and profited spiritually by it. We do not know who is sending it to us, so rather feel it is from your gift sub scriptions. We are deeply grateful to our Lord and to you. When we finish with the magazine, we send it on to the Indians with whom we work in South Africa. Rev. and Mrs. H. R. McLewin, South Africa I am completing my second term of service in Japan and have been receiving THE KING’S BUSINESS during most of these years, but have never taken time to say thank you for sending the maga zines to me each month. I have not paid a cent for the magazines but have often wondered who is bearing the expense. I read straight through the magazine each month and often share the blessings and challenges I have received with others in my ministry. Accept my deep gratitude. Rubena Gunther, Osaka, Japan E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Through gifts of readers to the King’s Business “Free Fund” we are able to send subscriptions to various missionaries around the world. RENEWS SUBSCRIPTION Please renew our subscription for an other year. We' surely appreciate your magazine and have enjoyed noting its progress over the years. We appreciate Paul Bayles’ column on “The Christian Home” very much. It meets a very real need for this day in which we live in that it is extremely practical and “ down to earth.” We are in full accord with his views on “Planned Parenthood” as pre sented in the April issue. Christian views on this subject are very necessary, since it is such an issue for this day. We “beg to differ” however, somewhat with Dr. Suth erland’s views on the various new trans
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