King's Business - 1962-10


BIOLA EMPLOYEES RECEIVE SERVICE P IN AWARDS Biola employees who have faith- fully labored for Christ in the historic downtown location at 558 South Hope Street, recently gathered together for ^ luncheon at which time they were presented with service pins by Mr.

Where the sunshine spends the winter.

Mr. Heppner Mr. Hammond wife have two children. He has re­ ceived his Bachelor of Science degree from Bob Jones University in sec­ ondary education and his Master of Arts from the Arizona State Univer­ sity in elementary education admin­ istration. FRUIT THAT ABOUNDS Paul wrote to the Philippian Chris­ tians of “ fruit that may abound to your account” (4:17). This happy family group is an example of what Paul meant. Second on the right in the' photograph, is Mr. Norman Dold, the father, and to the far left is his wife, and grouped around them are their four attractive children. Mr. Dold was one of the “fruits” of the ministry of Dr. Daniel Rose when he taught a Sunday school class in Chicago, and later this former Sun-

(Adjoining the Arizona Bible Institute Campus in Phoenix) • A completely new series of one and two bedroom units • Fully air conditioned (heated and re­ frigerated) • Lease available completely furnished or unfurnished • Complete recreational facilities , club house and chapel • Three miles from center of Phoenix. New shopping centers close to door • Complete life-care plans soon to be announced. for a descriptive brochure, write: S H A R O N G A R D E N S 3025 West McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona (See advertisement on inside back cover.) ORDER BLANK WHEATON COLLEGE Wheaton, Illinois Dept. K-102 Please send me, without obligation, Pleasant Tomorrows, the illustrated booklet which explains in detail the Wheaton Annuity Plan. NAME .......................................... AGE ............. SEX ............. B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO., INC. Dept. K-4210 K. of P. Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana □ Without cost or obligation to me, . send a copy of the big illustrated | book, " A New Bible for a New Day/' and full particulars concern­ ing the Third Improved Edition of your New Chain Reference Bible. □ Send your special terms to Rep­ resentatives. Name ....................................... Address ..................................... City ........................................... State ......................................... ADDRESS ................... ................. CITY .................................... ONE STATE ........................................ (see advertisement back cover)

Spurgeon Elder, director of the Per­ sonnel Department. Pictured above are (seated from left to right): Miss Anna Eschief, Miss Irene Sherman, Mrs. Millie Brown, Mrs. Bessie Runkle, Miss Charlotte Rudy, Miss Grace Lindstrom, Mrs. Eleanor Blue; (standing from left to right): Mr. Elder, Mr. George Edwards, Mr. Anthony Balciunas, Miss Jane M. Clark, Mr. Ray Goodwill, Mrs. Lr- eze Richardson, Mr. Lloyd Wilder, Miss Adelle Crowell, Miss Helen May Richardson, Mr. Hjalmar Berquist, Miss Adelaide Kendall, Miss Helen White, Miss Theresa Gustafson. We thank God for the faithfulness of His stewards who at personal sac­ rifice carry on the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles oftimes behind the scenes. BIOLA COLLEGE ADDS NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Dr. James H. Christian, dean of Biola College, has announced several new faculty appoitments in the field of music and education. Mr. Edwin R. Heppner of Baker, Oregon, will come as Assistant Pro­ fessor of Music. Mr. Heppner received his Bachelor of Music degree from Northwestern College and his Master of Music degree from the University of Oregon. Members of the Baptist denomination, he and his wife have three children. Mr. Heppner’s experi­ ence has been in the field of high school bands and vocal directing. He is presently a vocal director in the Baker School District. Mr. David L. Hammond of Phoe­ nix, Arizona, who for the past eight years has been teaching the 7th grade in that city, will come as Assistant professor of Education. Members of the Baptist denomination, he and his

The Dold Family day school “ lad” became manager of his business firm, and is still associ­ ated with the Rose business. Through­ out the years, he has maintained a Christian testimony and his family are all bright and shining Christians. This brings great joy to the heart of our beloved “ Danny” Rose who re­ cently celebrated his ninety-third birthday. May we all have such “ fruit” to our account when the Lord comes for His own! Prayer is especially appreciated on behalf of Dr. Rose who has recently had to be hospitalized. This faithful servant has meant much to the min­ istry of the Gospel, particularly in reaching Jewish people for Christ.



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