King's Business - 1962-10

believers how to do personal work, s o u 1-winning, t r a c t distribution, house-to-house visitation; how to preach in the open air, on street cor­ ners, in the parks and even on trains and buses. Now the church is ready to be mobilized into evangelistic action. We become more than teachers; we are examples. If we expect the Christians to go house-to-house, we must do the same. If we expect them to overcome their fear and shame and stand on a street comer or park bench to preach Christ, we cannot say, “ Go and preach.” We say, “Come with me and I will show you how it is done.” Many times a pastor or Christian worker has said to me, “You preach first. I have never done this before

A 12-man PTL evangelistic team carried the battle to the enemy’s gates this sum­ mer at the ten-day 8th Communist World Youth Festival in Helsinki. M ore than

P . U . T N B invade usi Festival

120,000 copies of the Gospel of John were printed in 22 languages in preparation for the all-out effort to reach the 25,000 to

30,000 young people from 117 countries, and the many thousands of citizens of Hel­ sinki encountered on the streets and at PTL rallies. Pray for the 120,000 who accepted the Gospels, and that the costs o f this vital invasion for evangelism and Scripture dis­

tribution may be fully met. POCKETTESTAMENT LEAGUE, INC.

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Biola graduate Ed Murphy leads a campaign of mobilization in pueblo. and you have.” Though I have more to fear than he for my heavily-ac­ cented Spanish and North American thought pattern immediately betray me as a “Yankee,” I have learned to obey our Lord and preach the Word. When I finish, my Argentine broth­ er raises his voice and declares the unsearchable riches of Christ with boldness and power he never thought he had. He will never be the same Christian. He has discovered the ex­ citement, the thrill there is in obeying the Lord’s command, “ Go ye—preach the Gospel — in season, out of season.” He joins with other revived members of his church in a program of fear­ less and faithful witnessing, and an­ other Argentine church is mobilized into action for Jesus Christ.

It is also possible to provide for friends through Moody annuities by willf thereby assuring lifetime in­ comes for loved ones, and at the same time continuing your assistance to the Lord’s work through the In­ stitute.

What investment could be more satisfying and provide greater peace of mind—than to know you are having a share in the Lord’s work through MBI’s many ministries—plus the as­ surance of a guaranteed income as long as you live! For more information . . .


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